NAME Sugar Oraton



DOB (AGE) 08/16/2004 (20)


OCCUPATION College Student


WEIGHT 150 lbs


Sugar is a male eevee. Yup, you heard that right. Not just any Eevee. A male one. He has red eyes and dark brown paw pads. His ears are tipped with black with a light beige stripe. His tail is tipped with light beige with a black stripe. He wears a blue hoodie in the cold months. He wears a watch on his left hand. This watch is a digital watch. Watch it.

For a few weeks starting from March 7, 2021, he wore green sunglasses and a green cap with black text on a yellow oval that read "PISS". He stopped doing this because he realized that he was making a fool of himself. But this was when he started wearing T-shirts (specifically, a red one) and jeans more frequently.

Yes, you heard that right. He occasionally wears pants, which is unheard of in this day and age. He either wears long jeans or short jeans. Sometimes with a belt. He also likes to wear T-shirts, which are either plain or simple patterned. And, as mentioned previously, he wears a blue hoodie in the cold months.

When did he obtain such hoodie? Let's just say... November 2019. What about his digital watch? When did he obtain that? Well, let's just say... December 2020. Was he completely naked before 2019? I don't know. Probably not. No. Growing up, he just wore T-shirts or normal looking shirts. He wore any simple looking clothing that he found at the thrift store.

He is part of the class of 2026 at Friendship University. Unfortunately, he is majoring in computer science. But don't worry. He takes at least one shower every day. He usually dorms with Arrow. In addition to Arrow, he dormed with Comet in their first year. He is indeed friends of Comet and Arrow. In addition to Comet and Arrow, he is best friends with Sprinkles, who he met in middle school.

Sugar's personality can be described as determined and optimistic. After he, as he felt, wasted the entire year of 2020, even though he really didn't, decided to spend the next year doing radical things. This included making a fool of himself a few months later in March. Much did he know that he's made this mistake many times the previous year. I'm just rambling here. Sorry.

Sugar is a hobbyist game developer. Wow! What are the details of such activities? I don't know. I've only ever made games in Roblox. I guess Sugar is a Roblox developer. Then we can't actually call him a game developer, because Roblox has no games, only experiences. Sugar has since put such activities on his resume, calling himself a "Experience Engineer".

When he's not dorming, he lives in Evergreen with his sister Skyler. Unfortunately, he is sexually attracted to her. Yikes... Fuck. He is still haunted by the time when he screamed "STOP BEING SO HAWT!" when Skyler asked him why he kept having erections around her. For context, Sugar usually doesn't wear pants. Yikes... Why did I put this here... Fuck.

His favorite foods are turkey bologna, beef sausages, Swedish meatballs, bacon, and kimchi. He also likes cheese burgers. And chicken sandwiches - especially when the chicken is breaded and fried. What's his favorite vegetable? Spinach. And jalapeno. Kimchi is a vegetable too. What about... Fruit...? Uh... Awkward... Does sugar drink? Like, drink alcohol? No, and he doesn't plan to.

Sugar is a big appreciator of cities, urban design, and parks. This is partly due to an internet rabbit hole that he went down in 2021. It was very eye opening for him. He has wondered for a long time why he always gets nearly run over at this one intersection that he frequents. Now he knows the answer: bad design. Wow... So cool... cool...

Sugar likes waterfront parks especially, and visits his nearest one very often. I don't know what this park is called, but it's near the Orchid River. For context, this river is this universe's analog to the Hudson River, and Sugar resides on the New Jersey side. He likes walking alongside the river very much. Wow... So cool.

Hey man. Have you ever wondered what Sugar's favorite YouTube channel is? It's Vsauce. If it's not Vsauce, then it's some urbanist channel. Like... Like NotJustBikes. Have you also wondered Sugar's stances on political and social issues? Well, first of all, he is left-leaning. I don't know if that was obvious. Also, he is not racist. I repeat. He is not racist. Please.

What else are you wondering about? His favorite game? I can tell you his favorite game right now. Roblox doesn't count. Minecraft doesn't count either. Minecraft is everyone's favorite game. Now, what is Sugar's favorite game? It's Happy Wheels. He played Happy Wheels in the month of July while listening to Turn Up The Radio by Autograph.


This reference became outdated one week after I made it: Sugar is chubbier than shown here. He also has a black stripe on his tail.


By CoMo 11/26/24

By CoMo 10/03/24

By CoMo 09/20/24

By CoJu 09/14/24

By CoMo 09/06/24




Sugar is friends with Comet. They first met at Friendship University. They like to hang out on weekends during the school year.



Sugar is friends with Arrow. They first met at Friendship University. They have always shared a dorm together. As a result, he's a little closer to Arrow than he is with Comet. Physically, he's often a lot closer to Arrow. This is because Comet doesn't dorm.


Best friends

Sugar is friends with Sprinkles. They first met in middle school. Instead of going to college like Sugar, he somehow ended up working at Hiver Café instead. Fortunately, Sugar and Sprinkles still keep in touch.



Sugar is Skyler's little brother. They first met in a hospital. This hospital was Halla-Oo Medical Center. A hospital? What happened? Did one of them... Get injured? Yes... Their mother got injured while giving birth.


Sugar was born in the Halla-Oo Medical Center at 8:08 AM on August 16, 2004. According to at least one relative of Sugar, he was given the name Sugar because his light fur was white at the time of birth. He and his family moved to Evergreen in December 2007.

Sugar's mother is an architect and his father is a real estate agent. Skyler would also eventually become a real estate agent as well. Who is Skyler? Oh silly me! I forgot to mention: Skyler is Sugar's sister. So, I think it's safe to say, that they had a relatively comfortable life. Lol.

He grew up in Orchid County, Evergreen. He became friends Sprinkles while going to middle school together. They sometimes shared classes with Arrow and Rain. No. Not Rain. Rain is way older than Sugar or Arrow. Like, by ten years. So basically, Arrow and Sprinkles were among Sugar's classmates. I don't think they knew Arrow very well.

I tried contacting Sugar about how he became attracted to his sister, but he declined to respond. I didn't really want to know anyway. Actually, I kind of do. Well, there's nothing we can do here. Let's move on.

Now, if you skipped ahead to the next section and checked out what music he likes, you may be thinking: He listens to old music, wow! Not, like, old old, dude, I'm talking, like, whatever happened after The Beatles. Now, you may also be suspicious of how he acts when he is involved in a conversation about music or music tastes.

What are you suspicious about? About him being one of those annoying "born in the wrong generation" kids? Or maybe, even worse, the "mumble rap sucks" kids? Well, let's just say, your suspicions are completely correct. Sugar indeed used to be such a kid. Thankfully, in 2020, he grew out of this very close-minded ideology.

Now instead of making fun of people his age engaging with art that he personally does not like or understand, he simply respects those people's tastes and is glad that they can find enjoyment in something that he cannot. This type of thinking and understanding is probably something that normal people do. I wonder if there's a word for it.

In April 9, 2021, Sugar stayed at a very nice hotel. It had a stunningly designed lobby, and had a bus route go right into its court. Now, why did he stay at this hotel? It was just part of an extremely fun recreational trip to a notable place in central Evergreen. This vacation was supposed to take place one year earlier, but unknown circumstances lead it to be delayed.

In September 2022, Sugar started his freshman year at Friendship University. He decided to reside in a dormiteory on campus. He had not one roommate - but TWO. TWO OF THEM! These roommates were Comet and Arrow. Since Sugar was such a lucky bastard, he became friends with Comet and Arrow.

Wow... Sugar goes to university. What major did he choose? Well, let's just say, he chose computer science. What? Why would one possible choose that? Money. It's almost always money. For Sugar, additional reasons included having made simple computer games while growing up and him feeling like he was well versed in logic.

For every time I mention that Sugar is a computer science major, I will need to put a disclaimer. Sugar takes showers and takes hygene seriously. It's like, one of the few things he ever takes seriously. According to him, contributing factor to this is that he has always had bed wetting problems. Remember that he never wears any pants either. Think about it.



I cannot possibly put all of them here. Most of Sugar's favorite songs are just most things CoMo listened to in 2021. Here's the playlist.

The other songs that he likes are ones that sound like something CoMo would listen to in 2021 but didn't actually. Only CoMo knows what songs fit this criteria.


  • Rush
  • REO Speedwagon
  • Weird Al Yankovic
  • Guns n' Roses
  • Velvet Revolver
  • Boston
  • Journey



CoMo wanted an Eevee character. For reasons that will never be known, he named them Sugar. I forgot what gender I initially made him. One of us thought he was male and the other thought he was female. CoMo thought he was male and CoJu thought he was female. His design was just a default eevee with no distinguishing features. This is because, for some strange reason, CoMo preferred having his Pokemon characters retaining their vanilla design.

by CoJu [10/08/20]
[1] Sugar, Comet, and Arrow in his default Pokemon form.

by CoJu [10/27/20]
[2] According to a message that CoJu sent shortly after sending this illustration to CoMo, the Eevee is Sugar. Specifically, CoJu said "fuck sugar's tail is glowing".

by CoJu [10/31/20]
[3] According to the file name, this is Sugar.

By the end of 2020, CoMo had three "main" OCs: Sugar, Comet, and Arrow, as depicted in [1]. It is most likely that they were canonically friends.


This depiction of CoMo as an eevee illustrated by CoJu [March 7, 2021] was incorporated to be part of Sugar's character on October 7, 2024.

Wait a minute... Who is Tails? Omergawd! CoJu made a Sonic fanfiction? No, unfortunately not.

What were the circumstances of such an illustration, then? Well, let's just say, a good old pal of CoMo and CoJu was incorrectly referred to as "Tails", by some Roblox kid. CoMo and CoJu then proceeded to call her "Tails" as well, in a playful manner. For some strange reason, CoJu decided to turn this into a little comic. CoMo then completely forgot about this piece of art for the next three years.


On July 26, CoMo made Sugar a profile on Toihaus. This profile read "A female Eevee. Pretty carefree and uhh ambiverted". Whoa... FEMALE!? That's right, bucko. This is not canon. He is male. This implies that CoJu at least partially wrote this, since CoJu was usually the one to interperet Sugar as being female. Or maybe not. If I remember correctly, CoMo did not know either.

On August 10, CoMo and CoJu found some cool website where they can answer questions to develop characters. CoMo obtained the screenshots for this activity on November 2, 2024. Here is what they came up with:

Bro. WHAT? As we can see, CoMo was very deep, yet still so shallow, into the ideology of urbanism. As we can determine in just a few seconds, CoMo still had all of his opinions from NotJustBikes. Let's analyze all of these questions.

Reading from top to bottom starting from the leftmost image, we are able to discern the characters of the Latin alphabet that makeup what we refer to them in English as "words". From these words, we can determine what they communicate when they are put together with appropriate syntax. Now, let's start with the first question.

From the first question, we see that urbanism gives Sugar a "sense of fulfillment or purpose in life". It is not stated if urbanism is effective or not at this task of fulfillment. Now, you may be asking, in what way does urbanism play this role for Sugar? Well, since CoMo nor CoJu didn't even know how effective it is at giving Sugar a "purpose in life", it is safe to say that I don't know.

Now, moving on to the second question, we obtain the information that there is no universe in where Sugar has superpowers. This is a result of CoMo's preference for having the sribbles universe be relatively realistic. But after what happened in 2023, CoMo may now be more open to the idea of Sugar having superpowers in at least one universe.

In the third question, it is stated that Sugar would take an insult or threat to him "mildly seriiously". Now the answer to the fourth question is quite baffling. We find out that the job that Sugar wants "right now" is "urban bunny". What the fuck is urban bunny?

From the fifth question, Sugar thinks that violence is justified or deserved when "supremely annoying people". What? This answer is very vague. Does he think that its justified when the violence is toward the "supremely annoying people", or when "supremely annoying people" are being violent towards someone else? Actually, it's probably the former. I must say, believing in this concretely or seriously is bad, because there are many good people out there, mainly [redacted], who are very annoying.

Now, from the answer to the sixth question, Sugar disagrees with wearing clothes, which is a common rule of etiquette. For context, this question was answered when Sugar was still just a default feral eevee. As of November 3, 2024, Sugar does in fact wear clothes. Even somtimes pants.

The answer to the seventh and eighth questions, which are similar questions, is the same. We find that Sugar often puts people in misery and that he wishes for him to stop doing that. Apparently, this is a behavior and or personality trait that he has. This is probably from how Sugar is an urbanist. Since he clearly gets all of his opinions from NotJustBikes, he probably tells people that they should leave North America because it is impossible to fix, urbanism wise. Of course, this was before NotJustBikes revealed such a controversial and wrong opinion, but I just wanted to put it in here. Lol.

From the answer to the ninth question, Sugar has a personal rule that he has trouble following: "drinking past 9". Woah... I didn't know Sugar got drunk! Why would you drink before 9? No. Sugar does not drink. In the answer, "drinking" is used in the sense of drinking any regular beverage, like water. Why would one not drink (any regular beverage) past 9? Probably to not wet your bed. Does Sugar have bed wetting problems? Let's say yes.

Man, that's a lot of paragraphs... And we're not even done with the first image. Anyways, from the answer to the tenth, or if you want to be cool and trendy, Xth, question, we find out that a personality trait that annoys Sugar the most is "online; if they talk like a twit". I don't know what this means.

Onto the answer to the 11th question: Sugar cannot accept if his hypothetical romantic partner had differing political opinions. Contrary to mildly popular belief, this is one of, if not the most, valid reasons to reject somebody. There is nothing else that needs to be said. As a result, this is very much canon.

According to the answer for the 12th question, Sugar's top location for spending a weekend would be The Netherlands. Not any city in particular. This is because Sugar was effectively propagandized by NotJustBikes. All jokes aside, The Netherlands is indeed a good place for urbanism. I just wanted to make fun of NotJustBikes again.

Now, onto the 13th question. The answer for this one very much follows from the previous one. Sugar thinks loving urbanism is one of the most important facts of himself. Sugar, I get it. You are putting me in misery. Please, Sugar. Stop. You don't want me revealing one of your secrets... Oh, fuck it, I am going to reveal one of your secrets.

Sugar... You like butts. I know you like butts. How did I know? I looked at the answer for the 14th question. A fact that you prefer to keep hidden is that you likes butts. Sugar, please stop crying. I'm sorry. You know liking butts is very common among many populations. You don't have to keep it secret!

Now, if I were to ask Sugar how he was doing, say, an hour later, he would say "i'm fine". This is one of his most common lies, as stated in the answer to the 15th question. Why is he not fine? Well, let's just say, he still hasn't gotten over that I told him that he likes butts. Sugar, I'm just saying, it's completely okay and normal to like butts.

Now, onto the second image... Yikes...

From the answer to the 16th question, other characters often complain about Sugar's habit of "talking about urbanism too much". I, personally, would also complain. Thankfully, Sugar is aware of this major issue of his.

For the answer to the 17th question, Sugar is spiritual and does not adhere to any specific religion. It is not said how seriously Sugar takes his spiritualism or if his beliefs differs from his culture or social group.

According to the answer to the 18th question, Sugar's opinion of "urbanism is great" and "car bad" is controversial in his culture or region. This is indeed true, as Sugar's country of residence, the United States, is very famously centered around car culture. Despite the fact that Sugar lives in a dense urban area, traffic reduction policies such as congestion pricing are still extremely controversial.

Now, onto the 19th question. We find that Sugar got his "ethics and views" soley from visiting a strip mall (a big parking lot with big box stores). Of course, it is implied that these ethics and views are those corresponding to urbanism. Despite what is implied, going to a strip mall was most likely not Sugar's only motivation to adopt such views.

According to the answer to the 20th question, Sugar's belief or view of "disliking trap beats" is something that Sugar is "irrationally attached to". Now, let me clarify some things. Sugar is not racist, and he does not hold anything against people of color. He does not use this opinion as a racist dogwhistle. He just doesn't like the sound of it. Man. I probably should not have put this here. I don't know how to convince you that he's not racist. Just to clarify again, he's not racist. Maybe I'll just make this not canon.

Now, keeping our mindset of morals and ethics, we arrive at the answer to 21st century. I mean question. The 21st question. The answer to this question intended to convey that Sugar finds it immoral for someone to be extremely rich. Now, you may be thinking: Oh my God. Is he a fucking commie? Not necessarily.

From the answer to the twenty-second question, Sugar's ideal world looks like The Netherlands and he would be happy living in it. Oh? I thought Sugar was against housing crises? Who isn't? Of course, what Sugar means by this is that he wants more places to have... uh... bike lanes and shit.

Ooh! Now this is an EMBARRASING one! According to the answer to the 23th question, Sugar invited a scam bot to their discord server and he regrets and questions it. I mean, who wouldn't regret inviting a scam bot. Why did Sugar do this? Is he a scammer? No. He is just gullible.

The answer to the 24rd question is just the answer to the 16th question. What is the answer to the 16th question? From the answer to the 16th question, other characters often complain about Sugar's habit of "talking about urbanism too much". I, personally, would also complain. Thankfully, Sugar is aware of this major issue of his.

Ah yes, here we go with Urbanism again. The sorts of people that Sugar considers heroes are "yimbys" and the villains are "nimbys". Sugar is obviously correct in this regard, as the area he resides in is currently undergoing a housing crisis. Why? Because of NIMBYs. More often than not, they are selfish and evil.

Holy fucking Jesus! The next two answers pertain to urbanism yet again! Sugar, you are making me so miserable. No ass for you. Anyways, from the next answer, it is implied that Sugar's dreams and ambitions is to make streets walkable (in North America). Of course, you can walk on any old street (in North America), even one without any sidewalks (walk on the road in North America), but the experience is often negative (in North America) due to car-centric tendencies (in North America).

Now that I somewhat illustrated what it means for a street to be not walkable, we can now analyze the answer. Sugar draws no line for his dreams and ambitions. In other words, "streets must be walkable". Of course, one can't make every single street in North America walkable. Urbanists often focus on what goes on within cities.

Finally, onto the last question... of the second image. Ugh, Sugar, you're making me miserable. What even is this answer? I'm done.

Actually, I'm not done just yet. What a shame. At least there's only four questions left to analyze. As always, we will start with the first one. Or maybe the second one? No. I'll start with the first one. So basically, no one cares about Sugar's extended family.

Onto the next one. Sugar liked trains since he was a kid. This is because this is exactly what happened with CoMo. That's only the first question. This question has a lot of questions for some reason. I wasn't going to answer all that. Well. This questions was about Sugar as a teenager. It seems like Sugar wasnt a teenager at this time. The answer for the next question is also "trains".

Now this one... This is an answer. Sugar would consider wearing a zorua costume due to unknown reasons. This is most likely a coincidence, but Sugar was seen with a zorua in image [10/27/20][2]. Did Sugar... murder them and keep their skin as a costume? No.

CoJu drew Sugar being a hairdresser or something.

CoMo tried to make Sugar not just a default Eevee. In other words, he attempted to give him defining characteristics. Unfortunately, as a product of CoMo's forever wicked mind, the only thing he came up with was that he had a differently shaped butthole. This is not canon.

As a result of this extremely embarrasing and utter failure of a redesign, CoMo decided to forget about Sugar once again. Even after all the wonderful things he and CoJu came up with for him on August 10.


Since Sugar was once again unimportant, useless, insignificant, and I must reiterate this again, unimportant, CoJu put Sugar in It's Been Awhile as a background character. Specifically, Sugar was an employee at Slurpy's, I think. I don't know if this is still the case, because Crazy CoJu majorly reworked the comic in 2024. On October 30, 2024, I have been informed by CoJu that Sugar is still a Slurpy's employee in It's Been Awhile. Anyways, here is the interaction:

Tue January 17, 2023

  • CoJu 9:17 PM
    whats a character we have unimportant to its been awhile that would end up being a slurpy's employee
  • CoMo 9:17 PM
  • CoJu 9:25 PM
    what is sugar's personality
  • what is pinewood's favorite soup
  • CoMo 9:42 PM
    i dont know + tomato

Wed January 18, 2023

  • CoJu 10:42 AM
  • CoMo 10:54 AM
  • CoJu 1:54 PM
    dawg is sugar in character they're working minimum wage at slurp
  • CoMo 1:57 PM
    change the . to !
  • CoJu 1:57 PM
    both of them?
  • CoMo 1:57 PM
  • ...
  • CoJu 4:12 PM (Replying to CoJu 01/16/2023 1:01AM: undyne.png)
    daaawg if i made this my pfp would you tell me to kill myself
  • CoMo 4:19 PM
    i will always tell you to kill yourself

Later, we will get some sort of confirmation on Sugar's gender:

Tue January 31, 2023

  • CoJu 8:45 PM
    pickquel what is sugar's gender
  • CoMo 8:47 PM

Wed February 1, 2023

  • CoJu 11:55 AM
  • do you have that sound effect where it sounds like a scream but its also a toilet flushing
  • CoMo 11:55 AM

On April 20, CoMo attempted to redesign Sugar again. CoMo had no feelings towards the result. The result? This is the result:

Let's analyze this new design. Keep in mind that Sugar was still a normal feral Eevee at this time. Firstly, he has hair. The top of his head is very fluffy. One could say this is an artstyle choice, but CoMo never drew such features for Sugar previously. In addition, his tail pattern is of a female eevee. This implies that CoMo forgot Sugar's gender again. Or maybe Sugar is transgender.

In addition, Sugar has fluffy whiskers and markings on his feet. He also, on his right arm, has a pattern that reads "POO". This is a sign that CoMo was not happy with the result. The result? What is the result? Look at the frickin' crap picture. It's right there. That's the result.

Sugar was later acknowledged again in May:

Wed May 31, 2023

  • CoJu 2:17 PM
  • i listened to the entirety of system of a down by system of a down
  • CoMo 2:18 PM
    i didnt
  • CoJu 2:18 PM
    you should
  • i like sugar i think sugar would like it
  • CoMo 2:18 PM

According to a sketchbook drawing that was made around the same time, Sugar is seen listening to this song, which is System Of A Down's Sugar, and enjoying it. CoMo did in fact listen to at least one System Of A Down song in 2021, although it wasn't Sugar, so this is probably canon. Man. 2021 was such a great year. Of course, it wasn't a great year for those who didn't have a good year in 2021.

After doing almost nothing with Sugar ever since his creation in 2020, he gave Sugar to CoJu and recieved Umber in return. From the following message that CoMo sent, it is implied that this trade happened by August 22.

Tue Aug 22, 2023

  • CoJu 4:14 PM
  • CoMo 4:15 PM
    Comet, Sugar (not mine), Arrow
  • CoJu 4:15 PM
  • guh
  • CoJu 4:17 PM
    .Busker feck truck truck tuck Fuchs

CoJu made its Sugar character's surname Glacier. Sugar Glacier:

Sat September 2, 2023

  • CoJu 5:59 PM
    sugar nibla?

Where did Sugar Nibla come from? We will never know. What about Glacier? Only God knows. By the way, whether you belive in God or not, this saying still conveys the idea that such information is not attainable by any means. Here's a CoMo fun fact: The first time CoMo was "exposed" to the idea that there are more than two genders come from him asking his mother what gender God is. She, very progressively and wokely, told little CoMo that God has no gender.


Throughout late August 2024, CoMo thought about using Sugar again, because he wanted to project his 2021 self onto him, in a similar fashion to how Arrow plays a similar role for CoMo's 2020 self. This was during and after CoMo was making a playlist of the music that he listened to in 2021. After thinking long and hard about it, CoMo decided to turn his thinking into reality.

Since CoMo and CoJu liked Sugar Glacier's design, they decided to rename him (to Sprinkles) instead of replacing him with Sugar. The Sugar that CoMo was reviving. CoMo wasn't just reviving him, he was pulling him out of his grave. With raw energy and power. Of course, CoMo and CoJu established that Sugar and Sprinkles were friends.

On August 31, CoMo was looking at street names on Google Maps to give Sugar a last name. CoMo then made Sugar's last name Oraton, which CoJu thought would be spelled "Auraton". CoJu's interperetation of the spelling would become Sprinkles' last name instead. Since then, CoMo hasn't had any strong feelings for Oraton being Sugar's last name, for some reason. Not many feelings at all.

While developing Sugar, CoMo and CoJu decided to make him the brother to an then unnamed character that they made in early 2022 - a conventionally attractive glaceon who streams. CoMo then suggested that Sugar was sexually attracted to her. That's fucked. This eventually became canon, because CoMo thought it's funny. CoMo takes nothing seriously. Fuck CoMo.

On the evening of September 4, CoMo was listening to Title of Record by Filter while on the train. Specifically, he was on a Bombardier Multilevel Coach. For some strange reason, CoMo decided to make it Sugar's favorite album. Actually, I know the reason. One of the songs on this album, "Take A Picture", was a song CoMo listened to in 2021.

On the evening of September 5, CoMo has a cheese burger. Not beug. Therefore Sugar liks CHeese Burger now. The only reason CoMo got a cheese burger was because his fucking train left early and he had 40 fucking minutes to spend until the next one arrived. Fucking bitch. Due to fucking Amtrak shenanigans, starting on November 10, the train schedules were forced to be changed, and now CoMo's train is scheduled to leave two entire fucking minutes earlier than before. Are you fucking kidding me. Now the next train isn't scheduled to come until 43 minutes. Actual penis fucking sex asshole bitch. I am so glad I don't have to take this train for the rest of the year again.

On September 6, CoMo decided that Sugar is chubby and has a black stripe on his tail. This was while CoMo was improvising his September 6 drawing of Sugar. Why did CoMo do this? Because it looks better.

On September 10, CoMo ate kimchi. He considered making Sugar like it too. Eventually, he did in fact make Sugar like it. It's, like, one of the best things CoMo ever had, man. Amazing.

During early September, CoMo thought of Sugar living in an area that is similar to Hudson County in New Jersey. This is because he was reminiscing on all the wonderful trips he took there in 2021. Man, 2021 was so awesome, dude.

On September 14, CoMo and CoJu decided that Sugar's sister's name is Skyler, and her username is SkylerWearsUnderwear. On the same day, CoJu said that Sugar looks like a computer science major. Therefore, he is canonically a CS major.

On September 18, between 12:30 and 13:40, CoMo ate Swedish meatballs. He definitely made Sugar like them as well. CoMo also made Sugar like bacon, because on September 11, CoMo had turkey bacon. Not pork bacon. That is haram. Wait. Then why did CoMo make Sugar like pork bacon? That's haram! Well, let's just say, Sugar is a little bit of a sinner.

Also on September 18, CoMo listened to Diary by Sunny Day Real Estate after watching S17E04 of South Park. This has nothing to do with Sugar. Why? Well, first of all, he doesn't watch South Park. I think he would find it funny, though. He probably would. But he doesn't watch it. it.

On October 6, CoMo was looking through the 2022 sketchbook and found a drawing of Skyler being a real estate agent. Eventually, CoMo and CoJu decided that she was indeed a real estate agent, and her (Sugar's) mother is an architect and father is also a real estate agent.

On October 7, CoMo wrote on his About section: "For a few weeks starting from March 7, 2021, he wore green sunglasses and a green cap with black text on a yellow oval that read "PISS". He stopped doing this because he realized that he was making a fool of himself. But this was when he started wearing T-shirts (specifically, a red one) and jeans more frequently." This is because he found a depiction of himself as an eevee illustrated by CoJu from March 7, 2021.

What were the circumstances of such an illustration? Well, let's just say, a good old pal of CoMo and CoJu was incorrectly referred to as "Tails", by some Roblox kid. CoMo and CoJu then proceeded to call her "Tails" as well, in a playful manner. For some strange reason, CoJu decided to turn this into a little comic. CoMo then completely forgot about this piece of art for the next three years.

On October 11, CoMo listened to Baker Street by Gerry Rafferty. CoMo felt like that Sugar would like this song. This is despite the fact that CoMo listened to this song extensively in summer 2020, and Sugar listens to songs that CoMo listened to in 2021. This is a life lesson that everything has exceptions.

On October 29, CoMo made Sugar a game developer. This is to mirror how CoMo was extremely focused on game development on Roblox in 2021. CoMo is not sure whether to make Sugar a game developer on Roblox as opposed to some other platform. Whatever.

On October 30, CoMo ate kimche. No, Sugar is not Austrarian.

On November 5, CoMo made Sugar's username "SynthFox5" after mishearing something. Now that confirms it. If he wasn't an Eevee, he would be a fox. Write it down, guys.

On November 15, CoMo decided to put the information from his analasys on the August 10, 2022 questions to use. Firstly, he made Sugar "a big appreciator of cities, urban design, and parks". CoMo decided that it was partly due to "an internet rabbit hole that he went down in 2021". Of course, this is a reference to CoMo's radicalization towards urbanism.

Additonally, CoMo added that "Sugar likes waterfront parks especially, and visits his nearest one very often". This is a reference to how, in 2021, CoMo went to visit the riverfront areas of Hudson County very frequently. Like, so unbelievably frequently. OH SHIT! I just remembered something. On one of these trips, specifically the one on May 13, CoMo tried a chicken sandwich for the first time.

This was not just any old chicken sandwich. That's right, bucko. This was a Popeyes chicken sandwich. The sandwich that people got killed over. CoMo thoroughly enjoyed this menu item. Since Sugar is just an idealized version of 2021 CoMo, CoMo decided to make Sugar like fried chicken sandwiches.

CoMo also made Sugar weigh 150 pounds. This is because CoMo remembers that a scale that he stood on in most likely 2021 recorded that he was 140-145 pounds. CoMo decided to make it a little higher. Now you know how much both CoMo and Sugar weighs!

CoMo also added the fact that Sugar has bed wetting problems. One could interperet this trait to be a homage to the late Peevee, who was a character in the Meeting Timelines, but in reality it wasn't. CoMo added it from his analysis on the August 10, 2022 questions. Thank you for spelling analysis correctly. No problem.

On November 18, CoMo gave Sugar some friggin favorite bands and artist. Why? Well, let's just say, after a long hard day of doing nothing, CoMo decided to listen to his ever so important 2021 playlist. Now, as you know, Sugar's whole thing is being CoMo in 2021. While listening to the playlist, CoMo noticed that several artists kept popping up.

These bands and artist include Rush, who CoMo started listening to in February, Journey, who CoMo mainly listened to in the spring and summer, Boston, who CoMo listened to in May and August, Weird Al Yankovic, notably not a band, who CoMo mainly listened to between October and December, REO Speedwagon, who CoMo started listening to in September, among others.

While continuing to listen to this playlist, CoMo stumbled upon a song that was famously used in Vsauce videos. This is because CoMo added such a song to the playlist. This is because CoMo liked the song. In the modern day and age, it reminded CoMo that he rewatched a lot of Vsauce in 2021. You know what that means. Sugar watches Vsauce too. Who doesn't?

What else did CoMo decide to put on the day of November 18? Well, let's just say, a song in the 2021 playlist, namely Turn Up The Radio by Autograph, made CoMo remember that he played Happy Wheels in July 2021. You know what that means. You don't? Oh yes you do.

Still listening to this friggin playlist, CoMo whoopsily stumbled upon yet another song that reminded him of those past times. This time, the song is "Alive and Kicking" by Simple Minds. CoMo associated this song with a one night vacation that he experienced about one month after first listening to this song. One of CoMo's most memorable memories of this trip was that he ate a pickle at 7/11. Another memory was that the hotel he stayed at had a fabulous lobby. He could just not stop thinking about it. As a result, CoMo decided to have Sugar go through a similar experience. Man. This page is just an excuse for CoMo to talk about things he likes and does. CoMo needs his own website to ramble about shit or something.

Most likely during the night of December 7, CoMo discovered a remarkable song. What was this song? It was "Harleys & Indians (Riders in the Sky)" by Roxette. Now, you might be wondering, without listening to the song too, why is so remarkable about this? You might be wondering this even after listening to the song. Well, let's just say, this song reminded CoMo of the year... you guessed it... 2021. Why? Well, let's just say, it just felt like something he would listen to in 2021. Additionally, CoMo extensively listened to another song by the same artist that year.

Over the next few days, CoMo listened to more songs from the album it came from, and CoMo thoroughly enjoyed consuming such material. The material also reminded CoMo of the great year of 2021. As a result, on December 11, he made this album one of Sugar's favorite albums. CoMo didn't even listen to the album fully yet, as of the time of writing this. Additionally, CoMo committed to such a canonization after listening to Sugar's other favorite album at this time, "The Madding Crowd" by Nine Days. When CoMo first listened to it earlier in September, he enjoyed it. But after listening to it on the night of December 11, also known as after 4:30 PM, with a new pair of earbuds that CoMo had purchased for 8-9 dollars which had its right earbud being quieter than the other since CoMo hadn't sucked on it yet, wait, what were we talking about again?

CoMo listened to "The Madding Crowd" by Nine Days after three months, and after initially liking it, CoMo now found it boring. This was a contributing factor to CoMo committed to such a canonization. Said canonization is the canonization of Sugar liking the Roxette album that CoMo partially listened to between December 7 and December 11. Wait. What album? The album is called "Crash! Boom! Bang! 30th Anniversary Edition". Wait. 30th Anniversary Edition? You heard that right, bucko. The remarkable song that CoMo discovered on December 7,"Harleys & Indians (Riders in the Sky)" by Roxette, was recommended to CoMo on YouTube, his primary music streaming service, and it was uploaded a few days ago at that time. Specifically, it was uploaded on December 5. CoMo was intrigued because he knows who Roxette are, and thus he clicked on this generous recommendation by a lifeless algorithm. Thank you, algorithm.

What else happened on Deccember 7? Well, let's just say, CoMo came back to a certain place for the first time since... You guessed it... 2021. He, while seeing all the housing developments out the train window, started to think: What if... Sugar lived in this type of area! Yes! Surely his family has enough money for settling in such neighborhoods! Then CoMo remembered: Wait, he already lives in such neighborhoods - it's been established for several months now. Then CoMo told himself: No, I'm not talking about the neighborhood, I'm talking about the type of building he lives in. And then CoMo replied with: Oh.

On December 11, CoMo ate Swedish meatballs.

Last updated 02/24/25