Comet is a male meowstic. He has star patterns on his hands, feet, ears, and one on his belly. He also has star colored paw pads (light yellow). His nose and tongue are also star colored. He has lavender hair, neck fluff. His tail is also the aformentioned color that I will not type again so I can write this instead and make this page take longer to read. Sorry. His tail isn't similar to a regular meowstic's tail.
He lives in the neighborhood Doubax, Friendship City, on Blair Street, the same street that Ball lives on, with his parents Amber and Riley. Comet's house is potentially next to Ball's. In summary, Comet lives very close to Ball and Lit.
He is bilingual. He knows English and American Sign Language. Wait. American Sign Language? Why? Because one of Comet's mothers, Riley, is deaf. Wait. He has mothers? Yes. A whole bunch of them. Technically, he has three. But he only lives with two.
He is a chemist and he likes chemistry. Yeah. He put freaky liquids in flasks or something. He, along with Far, is a lab assistant for Mose, a mad scientist. In fact, Mose is so mad that he makes Comet dress up as a maid and do maid stuff around his crib. Yeah. The crib that God went to.
He became a lab assistant for Mose through a program at Friendship University. Mose is a professor there. Yup, you heard that right. Comet goes to Friendship University. He does not dorm there. He initially wanted to study physics, but then, for some strange reason, he decided that chemistry was cooler. Before his second year, he switched his major from physics to some chemistry related major.
His favorite band is Depeche Mode. He is not goth, he just likes their music. He also likes 80s music. Like, Duran Duran, or that one A Flock Of Seagulls song. He definitely likes Dance Hall Days and Let's Go by Wang Chung.
His favorite food is chocolate chip cookies. Sometimes, he bakes his own. With chemistry. Or something.
His favorite game is BeamNG drive. He likes games about driving. And crashing and destroying things. That's fun! This also implies that he has a powerful enough computer to run such a game. Man, I am so jealous, dude. Why does he have such a beefy computer? Let's just say... BeamNG drive is the only reason he bought, or built, it.
Another game that he plays is badminton. A very important fact is that he does not play it competitively, because he doesn't like competition. Disclaimer: despite not liking competition, Comet does not support monopolies. Let me word this differently. Comet does not like competitive games. This is not because he's scared of losing, but because he finds non-competitive games more relaxing.
Here's another totally fun fact about his traits and personality: has a fear of being abandoned, so he's a people pleaser. That's so sad :(. Was he traumatized by a certain event? I don't know.
He is friends with Ball, Lit, probably Pinewood, and Far... And Sugar, and Arrow.
Wait. He has a computer? Yes. You might be wondering: what are its specs? It has an unspecified AMD Ryzen, definitely more than 2 gigabytes of random access memory, and at least five hundred and twelve gigabytes of storage. We can infer that he does not use macOS as his operating system. You know what, I don't really know what Comet's computer is.
Well... What about his phone? I know even less on what that would be. Let's just say it's a OnePlus because why not.
Comet is friends with Ball. They first met either when they were little, since they live close to each other, or at the checkers club in middle school or high school.
Comet's biological mother did in fact survive childbirth. But he was adopted by Amber and Riley when he was a few months old. In fact, his biological mother is Amber's biological sister. AWKWARD!
They lived together in Evergreen until moving to Doubax, Friendship City a few years later.
Growing up, he had a dog named Kenny. He eventually died. He was then... replaced... by another dog, which looked suspiciously like Kenny. His name is not Kenny. I forgot what his name is.
In mid-late 2020, CoMo wanted a Meowstic character to project himself onto. He was named after the Comet series of passenger coach cars used by New Jersey Transit. Ironically, except for the Comet V, these are one of CoMo's least favorite railcars of all time.
Comet was made as a default male meowstic, since CoMo preferred his Pokemon characters to have no unique design characteristics at the time. His birthday was made July 24, to mirror CoMo's birthday.
Between 2020-2022, Comet was added as a character in the Meeting Timelines. A notable relationship that Comet had in these timelines was with Kyle, the popplio. Comet had a huge crush on Kyle. As Kyle is a typical conservative, he says that he is straight. Unfortunately, I do not remember if he was actually straight or if he was a closeted homosexual.
In addition, I do not remember if Kyle was also into Comet but just hiding it, or he was genuinely bothered by Comet. If the latter is true, then it is likely that Comet committed sexual harassment on Kyle at least once. For context, Comet was extremely flirty with Kyle. Wow. I hope Kyle was into him then.
On October 30, 2024, CoJu informed me that Kyle did in fact secretly like Comet back. What a re-leaf.
After CoMo and CoJu started drawing together again after 3 years, one of the first characters that CoMo drew was Comet, since he was often present in the Meeting Timelines. What are the Meeting Timelines? No. I won't explain this again.
Comet was often drawn with Ball, since they were both male meowstics, and their designs were almost exactly the same at the time. Their only differences were their sizes. Comet was the bigger one.
At some point in 2022, Comet's neck fluff also became larger and more distinct.
On July 26, Comet was given a profile on Toihaus:
He/Him 07/24/2006
Comet is a male Meowstic whose ears are situated lower than normal
He is a transit enthusiast
His best friends are Arrow, Sugar, and Ball
His favorite song is Ordinary World by Duran Duran
Now, let's analyze everything here line by line. In the first line, we observe that his pronouns are he/him and that he was born on July 24, 2006. As stated previously, his birthday was made July 24, to mirror CoMo's birthday. I have no idea why his birth year is 2006, though. Also, his pronouns are indeed he/him.
In the second line, we are told that Comet is a male meowstic. That is indeed correct. It also says that his ears are situated lower than normal. First of all, what is "normal"? Most likely, CoMo was comparing his and CoJu's art styles with the official Pokemon renders. In summary, his ear placement does not matter as long as they are placed in an orientation that makes sense. For example, one cannot place his ears above his eyes.
In the third line, we find out that Comet is a transit enthusiast. As of October 30, 2024, CoMo does not believe this is the case. Second to finally, in the fourth line, it says that he is best friends with Arrow, Sugar, and Ball. I guess you could say that's true. Now, at long last, in the fourth line, it says that Comet's favorite song is Ordinary World by Duran Duran. Sure.
In August, CoMo asked CoJu to draw CoMet looking out into the SunSet while onboard a train. This is because, earlier that August, CoMo experienced such a situation, and it was very novel at the time. Nowadays, CoMo rides trains in the sunset all the time.
Now, let me, CoMo, as a total train expert, criticize this drawing. First of all, I'm going to ignore Comet, the subject of the drawing, because he is not a train. Now, let's start with the window he's looking out of. Now, I am looking at it too. Train windows do not look like that. It looks like a poster.
In October, Comet was drawn wearing a maid dress. By CoJu. Such cirsumstances of a drawing like this being made remains unknown. Over a year later, in 2023 or 2024, context for this illustration was made up by CoMo: It was established that Mose made him wear it because he likes it. Wow.
In August, Comet became red. This was to make him more interesting, as he was the most undeveloped "main" character at the time.
To illustrate such a design change, CoJu decided to draw Comet as such. As such, it began drawing such an illustration, digitally. For some reason, it decided to draw Mose as well, most likely as suggested by CoMo, because drawing non-furry characters digitally was and still is very rare for both CoMo and CoJu. Furfags.
Initially, Comet and Mose were in the same picture for no reason, but for some reason, CoMo decided to interperet it differently, because he is crazy. As a result, CoMo made him a lab assistant for Mose, and in turn made him a chemistry nerd.
Comet was then added to 1659, since Mose was already there. Of course, Comet was made to be Mose's lab assistant. Spoiler alert: I'm about to spoil some shit. OK, so basically, God sent Comet to hell to punish Mose. Comet was never seen again.
As of January 19, 2024, his backstory read "He grew up in North Dumont but he had to move to Amersoft when he was four after his parents divorced. His mother committed suicide when he was 12 and his father went to prison when he was 15 for committing financial fraud. Comet lived with Ball since. After searching for a purpose in life, Mose hired him to be his assistant. After a chemical accident in August 2022, Comet became red." As of January 20, 2024, it will no longer be canon. Good. What the fuck.
On January 24, CoMo recolored some drawings of Comet. Unfortunately, by the first half of 2024, turning Comet red didn't succeed in making CoMo more interested in him.
In June, CoMo suggested that Comet was just a figment of Ball's imagination. Yes, Comet was just that unimportant, useless, and insignificant. CoMo effectively abandoned him once again.
On June 29, CoMo and CoJu reworked Comet for the fourth time. He was given Ball's old purple color and CoMo color picked a shaded part of Ball for Comet's hair. He was also given star patterns by CoJu. This is because stars and comets are both celestial objects. Since he is so celestial, CoMo also made his nose and paw pads star colored.
Comet's birthday was changed to March 29, 2004. This is because it was the 29th of June, and that CoJu said that he felt like he would have a birthday in March. Additionally, his birth year was 2004 because... I don't know. If I remember correctly, It's always been like that.
Since his original name, Comet Polaris, has the initials CP, CoMo and CoJu decided to make Polaris his middle name and have his last name start with "R". CoMo looked for names from the train stations from the northeast US. The name contenders were: Riverway (MBTA, Green Line E Branch), Roxbury (MBTA, Orange Line), and Rahway (NJT, Northeast Corridor). Rahway was chosen since Comet's namesake is often seen there.
Comet's parents were made Riley and Amber. I forgot why. This required CoJu to double their ages. CoJu's characters are usually older anyway.
On July 1, CoMo and CoJu decided that Comet has abandonment issues, since CoMo always "abandoned" him as a character. Later that day, CoMo decided that he likes Type O Negative, as he felt that it would fit him and that CoMo has been looking to project liking his newfound favorite band onto a character.
Disclaimer for the above: CoMo is NOT GOTH! Nor is he a white supremacist. CoMo also supports the reproductive rights of women.
In late September, CoMo saw an old drawing of an unspecified meowstic studying physics. CoMo decided that Comet would go great with physics. Unfortunately, he is a chemist. So On october 8... On October 8, CoMo edited this page, which hasn't been ededited since July 9, 2024, 6 PM. In the drawing, the meowstic is also seen holding a badminton racket. This is a reference to how CoMo and CoJu played badminton in 2020. As a result, on October 30, CoMo made Comet play badminton. Recreationally.
On November 10, CoJu remembered that Riley made bombs. As a result, Comet's house lies on top of a makeshift bomb factory.
On February 9, CoMo and CoJu decided that Type O Negative is no longer Comet's favorite band, since at this time they felt like it didn't fit Comet. This was shortly after reviving a character and making them like Type O Negative.
On February 17, CoMo listened to the album "Playing the Angel" by Depeche Mode in its entirety for the first time since July 2024. Since a few of the songs were already songs that Comet liked, CoMo decided to make this Comet's favorite album.
On February 18, while not paying attention in class, CoMo wrote these paragraphs in Comet's About setion:
Wait. He has a computer? Yes. You might be wondering: what are its specs? It has an unspecified AMD Ryzen, more than 8 gigabytes of random access memory, and at least five hundred and twelve gigabytes of storage. We can infer that he does not use macOS as his operating system. You know what, I don't really know what Comet's computer is.
Well... What about his phone? I know even less on what that would be. Let's just say it's a OnePlus because why not.
Last updated 02/18/25