NAME Ash Visage




DOB (AGE) 06/01/1899 (125)


RESIDENCE 1017 Blossom St, Seedwick, CT.



Ash is a white cat. He wears a top hat that is made of cheese. He has blue eyes. He usually wears a black sweater and one of his four thigh high socks. He also wears a collar to remind him of his parents. Sometimes he lets the collar have information about his home address.

Ash is perpetually cold and has blurred vision due to the iceberg. As a result, he wears contact lenses and a sweater. The lenses may be any color. Wait. What iceberg?

He briefly started wearing glasses to be more interesting. This was because Steel told him that he looked boring without his cheese hat. After Steel noticed, they talked about the incident together. Wait. Who is Steel?

Ash lives with Steel at 1017 Blossom Street in Seedwick, CT., a town halfway between Friendship City and Radia. Who is Steel, though?

He learned about his pansexuality through Steel, who is pansexual himself. WHO IS STEEL? ANSWER ME!

OK, I will answer you. Steel is a scientist (which scientific field? Who knows?) who was assigned to take care of Ash. Why? Because Ash is part of a study (how exactly this study is being conducted is totally unknown to CoMo and CoJu) of how he survived being frozen in an iceberg for 99 years. Wait. What iceberg?

Ash is friendly, dramatic, and sensitive. I do not have any examples of what he has done to exhibit these traits, but just take my word for it. He is definitely friendly. OK, but what about the iceberg?

Ash speaks in English and French. French is his native language, since he was born in France. I bet he was born and raised in Paris. That's where they all lived in 1899, right? Wait. What? That's over 125 years ago! How is he still alive?

He once wagged his tail at an audience and got a bunch of money. Well. It didn't happen only once. It happened many times. Yup, you heard that right. He is a performer! What does he perform exactly? I don't know. Probably dancing or some shit. He also does drag. His drag name is Ashley. He also likes to sing.

He likes lemonade. Does he like SpongeBob? That's something for you to decide. Wait. What's his favorite show? I don't know. What about music? He likes at least one song. It's an eighties song. I guess he likes eighties music. Yeah!

Ash is friends with... Wait. Does he have any friends? Well... he has some sort of relationship with Jimmy... Is that it? Why Jimmy out of all people? How did that happen?

In 2023, Ash started going to therapy after numerous cases of being sexually harassed. This therapy location is in North Camden, Friendship City. Tarr Silva, one of Oakwood's siblings, is his therapist.


His collar is not part of his sweater. Those are sweaters. He is wearing thigh highs. Cheese hat doesn't go through the ears. Actually, sometimes it does. It depends if it makes the drawing look better.

He was not biologically born on 2005, but on 1999.


By CoMo 12/07/24

By CoMo 11/29/24

By CoJu & CoMo 08/24/24

By CoJu 08/14/2024
This is a prototype design for Steel.

By CoJu & CoMo 08/07/24

By hazel-nut-tree 07/27/24

By CoMo 07/20/24

By CoMo 07/07/24

By CoMo 07/07/24

By CoMo 07/07/24

By CoMo & CoJu 07/07/24

By CoMo 07/06/24

By CoMo 07/06/24

By CoMo 07/06/24

By CoMo 06/23/24

By CoMo 05/19/24

By CoJu 05/10/24

By CoMo & CoJu 03/13/24

By CoMo 12/15/23

By CoJu 07/23/23


Ash was born in France in 1899. His mother, who died from his childbirth, wanted to give him a collar because she liked how it looked. His father, who died in the war shortly after, gave Ash the collar. Ash had an older sister.

During Ash's time in the 20th century, he worked at a factory near the docks. The docks is where he met his close friend Flam, the only pirate captain brave enough to land outside of the pirate base in The Succaneer Isles.

When Ash turned 18, he wanted to start a new life in the United States. Flam was friends with the captain of the Chiz, a small passenger ship. He and the captain attepted a voyage for Arthur City with Ash. Unfortunately, the captain was convinced that an iceberg was a large wealthy man, so he sailed towards it. After realizing that he was wrong, he attempted to commit suicide by jumping off the boat onto the iceberg. Ash jumped shortly after to try to save him. They both froze on the iceberg for the next 99 years.

On June 14, 2017, a team of artic scientists found the captain and Ash frozen in the iceberg. The captain was unable to be revived, unlike Ash. Taxgonny and Steel were part of the team. They finished Ash's near century long journey to the United States.

Upon arrival to the US, Steel was tasked to take care of Ash as a scientific specimen. Ash was taught English and speaks with a French accent. Despite the 87 or 13 year age gap, Steel sees Ash as a son. This is partly due to the fact that Steel has always wanted to be a parent.

Ash put his original collar in a special box in an effort to protect it from further wear and tear, since it is very sentimental to him. Ash still wanted to wear a collar, though. His replacement collar given to him by Steel.

In 2019, Ash stole Piq-Al-Eni's cheese hat.




In 2020-2022, CoMo was playing the Titanic game on Roblox and made his roleplay name "Sir Reginald Ash Face", which was derived from a quite silly name that CoMo and CoJu came up with in 2020, "Sir Reginald Assface". On June 1, 2023, CoMo made a furry avatar on Roblox. He then joined the Titanic game again, and still had the roleplay name. CoMo's avatar used an item that was based off of the "boykisser", a FUCKING GAY CAT.

Since gay cat furries are totally terminally online, and born late, CoMo changed his roleplay occupation to "13 - Pansexual :3 - Ex child factory worker". Now he needed to change the roleplay name, because his name is not going to be Reginald. His name would become Ash, derived from Sir Reginald Ash Face. He was a funny character so he became real.

Ash was given the last name Visage, since "visage" is French for "face". Sir Reginald Ash Visage. Wow. Unfortunately, "Sir Reginald" was dropped from his name. What a shame.

Wait. Why did CoMo decide to make him an ex child factory worker? Because... Uh. I don't know. It just felt like child labor wasn't abolished yet in 1912. Ash was also established to be an orphan. Why? I don't remember.

Since Ash became a character from a Roblox avatar that CoMo already had, he decided that certain events that happened while playing the Titanic game were canon. This included being on the Titanic. Since this was the Titanic, there was an iceberg involved. In the game, CoMo often jumped onto the iceberg and waited through the entire round on it. Therefore, Ash somehow got on the iceberg.

Now, here's a pretty tricky question, dude! Since this was taking place in the early 20th century... Is Ash still alive? Of course he had to be, so CoMo and or CoJu came up with a very simple solution: He froze himself in the iceberg for a century! Now, how did he get out of the iceberg? Uh... I don't know... Global worming? I mean warming.

This was the basic idea for Ash's backstory. None of this was actually established, since it didn't sit right with CoMo that Ash was somehow on the Titanic and jumped onto an iceberg for some reason. But this is what roughly happened. Ash's backstory would be made concrete in the following year.

Sometime in the summer, CoMo had a dream where he was stuck in a SpongeBob-themed hotel with CoJu and found Ash drinking lemonade. He then made Ash like lemonade.

[1] By CoJu 08/18/23
[2] By CoJu 07/19/23
[3] By CoMo 06/26/23
[4] By CoMo 06/09/23
[5] By CoJu 06/07/23

According to the first drawings of him, which were on paper, he originally wore a black shirt (sometimes with the New Jersey Transit logo on it) and had eyes drawn similarly to those of the boykisser. That did not last long, as CoMo resorted to giving him non-style specific eyes.

I need to clarify. Ash is not a boykisser. He is just a white cat whose character was derived from a Roblox avatar that used a boykisser accessory. Big difference, bitch.

His eye color was originally nothing in particular, since he was mostly drawn on paper. In every digital drawing of Ash from 2023, he had no eye color in particular. Why?

Ash became a character in the 1659 comic series, starting with 1659:4. He was originally going to be used for a message of a teenager finding out his true identity and sexuality on a vessel traveling far away. Unfortunately, such a storyline was too gay for CoMo to handle, so he was just there for no reason, as the comic continuously deviates from its plots.

What came out of this was CoJu drawing Ash's shirt funny. First of all, it never drew the New Jersey Transit logos on it. Secondly, it drew the shirt fat, like it was a sweater. It also made Ash look fat or chubby. So then, instead of wearing a plain black shirt with graphics, he now wore a plain black sweater. This was his main design now. Indeed, it was. Cool.

[6] By CoJu
1659:4 page 12
[7] By CoJu
1659:4 page 15
1659:5 page 33

It did not make sense for him to be wearing merchandise of a transit company that doesn't exist in-universe anyway. Ash doesn't even care about trains. Wait. I gotta tell you this first. I should've wrote this earlier. OK, now let me tell you this. I gotta tell you this first. He used to be a railfan. In other words, he likes trains. He specifically liked the Arrow III type of trains that New Jersey Transit uses. Why?

WHY? Because CoMo, who started riding those trains every week in 2022-2023, liked those trains so much that he decided to make every character he touched like it too. Not touch as in the creepy kind. I would never touch my characters like that. CoMo also made every character he touched, not touch as in the creepy kind - I would never touch my characters like that, be a railfan. In other words, he made all of them like trains.

Now, you may be asking, what does any of this have to do with Ash? Alright bucko, I'll tell you now. It provides some context to why I gave him a New Jersey Transit shirt. Wait. Actually, here's more context. CoMo, also known as I, made some shirts on Roblox. The first shirt was a George Washington emoji being emotional, but the second one was about the Arrow IIIs. But that shirt was bad, so CoMo made a third shirt, which was still about Arrow IIIs. Now that was the shirt that the Roblox avatar that inspired Ash was wearing.

Ash is chubby and wears a black sweater. He also no longer wears New Jersey Transit shirts because that doesn't make sense. He used to be a railfan who loved Arrow IIIs. Yes. That's what I said.

[9] By CoMo
Arrow IIIs at Broad Street.

In image [4], there is some guy who seems to be named "Flam". Who is that? That, my friend, is a friend. Of Ash. Shortly after the creation of Ash, CoMo decided to make yet another fucking Roblox furry character. This character would be Ash's friend. Singular friend. CoMo utilized The Neighborhood of Robloxia's avatar editor for this one, because he isn't spending any of his 43,000 Robux for unproven designs.

What was the result of such an endeavor? A cat with scarf, shirt, black and white striped thigh highs, and a giant chocolate ice cream cone on his head. Despite being a cat, the avatar item used for the Roblox character was some sort of fox head.

Flam, like Ash, was introduced as a character in 1659 starting with 1659:4.

On December 15, 2023, CoMo finished a doodle of Ash that he drew, most likely, not on the same day. It became his main icon, full body image, and reference. This is unfortunate, because this illustration didn't even have his eyes open. What else is notable about this important piece of art? Well... Let's just say... CoMo fucked his neck. I mean fucked up. In order to fix it, he gave him a collar.

Since he had a collar now, CoMo and CoJu just had to give him a reason as to why he has it. They came up with this: Since Ash is an orphan, what if he wore it to remind him of his parents? Or make him feel like he's loved? And they were like: This is totally radical, that is exactly why he has a collar!


On January 5, CoMo and CoJu drew a lot of twerking. This is because Jimmy was begging for mercy and forgiveness in the end of A3. Eventually, Jimmy would be drawn with Ash where a candy cane was in both of their asses. It was then proposed that Ash is Jimmy's boyfriend and they strip at the strip club (Hunky's Kink Beer) together. What the fuck.

Wait. Isn't Ash 13? What the fuck? Did you just forget his age this entire time? Yes. In fact, since his main backstory took place in the early 20th century, his actual age was always unclear. Since this situation is extremely problematic, CoMo and CoJu decided to properly establish his birth year and upbringing later in the year.

On June 1, as a birthday present for Ash, CoJu (and CoMo) made his reference sheet. After this, they considered the name "Reggie" to fit Ash, but it was too late.

As previously mentioned, he had multiple backstories made up for him. To this day, he does not have one decided. No. Actually, as of August 12-13, he does have a backstory decided. Let us analyze what was written in the backstory section:

Ash was born in France in 1899. His mother, who died from his childbirth, wanted to give him a collar because she liked how it looked. His father, who died in the war shortly after, gave Ash the collar. Ash had an older sister.

As we can see, "Ash was born in France in 1899". Why? First of all, it was made that he was born in France because of the abundance of French sounding names in the sribbles universe. Will I provide examples? No. Second of all, he was born in 1899 because that would make him 12 but almost 13 around the time that the Titanic sunk. This is a reference to the roleplay occupation "13 - Pansexual :3 - Ex child factory worker".

Wow, we only covered the first sentence so far. Now onto the next one, which pertains to Ash's mother. She died from childbirth. This is a convenient reason for her to die, which is essential for Ash to be an orphan.

Wow, we only covered the half of the second sentence so far. Now onto the other half, which is after the second comma. Ah, yes. The collar. CoJu had to search up "collars in the 19th century" for this one.

Wow, we only covered the first two sentences so far. Now onto the third one, which is about Ash's father. Alright buckos, I will admit, saying that he died in the war is lazy. I don't even know what war it was. Now, this doesn't imply that he was a soldier or something. He could've been an innocent citizen who was caught in the crossfire.

It was also established that Ash had an older sister. Not for any reason in particular. It would just be cool.

During Ash's time in the 20th century, he worked at a factory near the docks. The docks is where he met his close friend Flam, the only pirate captain brave enough to land outside of the pirate base in The Succaneer Isles.

As implied in the next paragraph, Ash worked at a factory in his childhood. This is a reference to the roleplay occupation "13 - Pansexual :3 - Ex child factory worker".

When Ash turned 18, he wanted to start a new life in the United States. Flam was friends with the captain of the Chiz, a small passenger ship. He and the captain attepted a voyage for Arthur City with Ash. Unfortunately, the captain was convinced that an iceberg was a large wealthy man, so he sailed towards it. After realizing that he was wrong, he attempted to commit suicide by jumping off the boat onto the iceberg. Ash jumped shortly after to try to save him. They both froze on the iceberg for the next 99 years.

Originally, Flam was going to be the captain of the ship. The paragraph describes an canon sribble comic series revolving around Ash. Most things in this comic were made up on the spot. Especially the wealthy man iceberg part.

On June 14, 2017, a team of artic scientists found the captain and Ash frozen in the iceberg. The captain was unable to be revived, unlike Ash. Taxgonny and Steel were part of the team. They finished Ash's near century long journey to the United States.

Upon arrival to the US, Steel was tasked to take care of Ash as a scientific specimen. Ash was taught English and speaks with a French accent. Despite the 87 or 13 year age gap, Steel sees Ash as a son. This is partly due to the fact that Steel has always wanted to be a parent.

First of all, it's arctic, not artic. I have nothing else to day. Wait, actually, I do. June 14, 2017 was the date that CoMo made his Roblox account. It wasn't his first Roblox account, but his second one. His first one had the username "DanmSam" and was made on December 18, 2016. CoMo never played on this account because the chromebook could not play Roblox.

What did any of that have to do with Ash? Nothing. Anyways,

On the weekend of October 19, CoMo and CoJu established that Ash goes to therapy. This is after noticing that Ash is constantly tortured all the time in every comic book he is included in. This is so sad.

Last updated 10/22/24