Kyle is a conservative Popplio from rural Texas. His pronouns are "nor/mal" and "attack/helicopter". He is "super straight". He has an LGBT sister in Florida. His family's house burned down. His family grows perfectly cube-shaped corn. Someone does not support this character's beliefs and/or actions.
Uhh... Actually... Kyle is a Popplio. Unlike canon Popplios, he has legs and can stand on them. He wears a cap and has a patterned shirt tied around his waist.
He lives in Friendship City with his father.
Kyle is a closeted homosexual. Kyle has queer relatives living in northern Florida.
Kyle is a Popplio with no special characteristics. He was born and raised on his family's farm.
When CoMo and CoJu was going on a road trip through the continential US with friends, they somehow picked up Kyle and took him to Friendship City. The following story did not happen.
One day when the boy was packin' the grain car, he got stuck on the BNSF headin' up east which lead him to Friendship City.
No. None of the above is true. Except for the fact that...
Kyle was born on his family's cube corn farm in Texas.
After a house fire, a lot of his family died. Kyle and his father decided to quit the farm life after this.
Kyle went to North Doubax Highschool.
In early 2021 (January-February), he was created as a recurring character in the 2021 Meeting Timeline.
In the summer, CoMo and CoJU made a Toihaus profile for him.
CoMo made his birthday January 6.
On November 2, CoMo made his last name Lockhart after looking at authors last names on a bookshelf with CoJu.
Last updated 11/02/24