Leon is an umbreon. Like regular umbreons, his main fur color is black. He has hair, which is a slightly different shade of black. It is usually kept at around his shoulders' length. Like regular umbreons, he has a ring on his head and a ring around his tail. Contrary to regular umbreons, the rings on his arms and legs are oriented around the circumference of the limb. These rings are colored green. His paw pads are also colored green. His tongue is also green. They glow when he's happy or excited. His eyes are orange, but they do not glow. Or do they?
He wears a T-shirt frequently. The shirt he wears usually has a band logo in the front, mainly Type O Negative or Fall Out Boy. He sometimes wears fingerless gloves as well. He wears these when he's skateboarding or when he feels "cool". Wait. Skateboarding? Yes, he is a skateboard operator. Anyways, he also wears shoes with socks. His socks are usually white and his shoes usualy have at least a green accent color. He also sometimes wears shorts. It is unknown if he wears underwear beneath them.
His personality can be described as "playful" and "girly". Interperet that however you want. He is also athletic because why not. He likes outer space. In fact, he has an outer space pattern on his skateboard. Additionally, he has an interest in philosophy. He is a philosophy major at Amwulshiner University. He is also an athlete there.
He likes kiwis (the fruit) and chili lime flavored chips. He also likes fireworks. He also likes hugging. He hugs everyone he meets up with. Even when the other party clarified that they don't like hugs, Leon sometimes does it anyway. It's just a force of habit. Now, who does he hug the most?
He hugs Liam the most. This is because Liam is his best friend. Liam is also his older brother, or technically half brother. They grew up in the same room together and did everything together. That was until one fateful day... when Liam moved out of the house. But not to fear, they still regularly talk together.
He doesn't like the rain. It makes him sad. He also doesn't like yogurt. Neither does he like holes, whatever that means. He also doesn't like invasive species of bugs. I mean, who doesn't?
He likes music. Specifically, his favorite bands are Type O Negative, Siouxsie And The Banshees, and Fall Out Boy. Fall Out Boy is the only music that Leon likes that overlaps with Liam's taste.
Leon was born at a Hospital on January 31, 2007. Even though his mother Diamond is a glaceon and father is a vari.
Leon grew up in a relatively big house. It had at least two stories. It might've had three. It likely had a driveway to store their singlular car, which was a SUV built in the 2000s. They lived in the neighborhood of Transonia.
Diamond and Vari both had a job that required them to leave the house before the kids did, so they gave their oldest kid the task of making sure all them kids are out the door first. Their oldest kid was Elle. Elle quickly got tired of this job and stopped playing Mr. Nice Guy. It is unknown if she ever played Mr. Nice Guy.
Wait. Elle isn't Diamond's child. Neither is Anthony, who also lived there. They were Diamond's sibling's children. Why aren't at Diamond's sibling's place? Diamond's sibling's name is Emerald, by the way. I don't know why this is the case. We don't even know what Emerald or her husband(s) look like.
Shortly after the creation of Liam on May 30, CoJu decided to give him a large family consisting of all the eeveelutions. It is believed that this happened at least partially due to a drawing of Liam and what he would've looked like if he had evolved from an Eevee to some eeveelution. His evolutions were given names, most of which were not to be taken seriously. One name stood out as a normal name: Leon. This name was assigned to Liam's flareon evolution.
Around the same time as Liam's evolutions drawing, CISS19 was created. It featured a cool flareon.
It is unknown whether the creation of Leon was before or during Liam's 2019 family drawing, but we will assume the latter. Shortly after Leon was created, CoJu drew him with Liam a considerable amount. It is implied that Leon is Liam's little brother and they have a good relationship together. In fact, they are holding hands in the family drawing.
He and Liam played outside together frequently with Martha and her little sister Elena. Leon being Liam's little brother is most likely correlated with Elena being Martha's little sister. Additionally, it is implied that Leon was a hugger, as he was seen hugging Liam and hugging uh... I don't remember... in two different drawings.
In probably around July, CoJu redrew Liam's family after rediscovering a large amount of it and CoMo's 2019 drawings. CoJu, in typical CoJu fashion, encountered a scaling issue and as a result Leon is around the same size as Liam. It is evident that CoMo and CoJu noticed that this was a fatal error, and thus clarified that he is small via text.
On July 29, CoMo and CoJu made an entry for Leon on Toyhaus. His profile featured only two sentences: "Liam's barely-established brother. He is quite small."
I don't remember putting that last sentence in here. That was very disrespectful of me. I deeply apologize. Nevermind. CoJu wrote that, not me. I don't know why I thought I wrote that. Anyways, CoJu decided to make a new 40 page comic titled Rocky's Records. This is because xe didn't want to do It's Been Awhile.
On the first page, which was made between January 17 and January 18, CoJu ended up giving Liam a funny personality. CoMo wanted to make this personality Liam's main one. CoJu suggested that he just acts differently at work and he hates his job. This initiated a new interest in Liam which hasn't been seen since June. In other words, Liam has become the silly guy of the month.
CoJu also made a slight revision to Liam's design - the markings on his limbs no longer follow a linear form. They now appear to be more messy, like if he dipped them into iced coffee. But this page isn't about Liam. It's about Liam. How is this relevant to Leon? Well, let's just say, if we hadn't silly-guy-of-the-month-ified Liam, we wouldn't have regained interest in any of his family members at this time.
On January 24, CoMo decided that Leon and his family grew up in the Friendship City neighborhood of Transonia. This is because CoMo was looking through his old DMs with CoJu to look for historical information on Liam, only to stumble upon the word "Trainsona". CoMo misread this as "Transonia."
On January 31, CoMo also decided to make all of Liam's half-siblings, siblings-in-law, and cousins have some rabbit genes. As a result, he made Diamond's mother a rabbit. He then made her father an espeon, since they had another grandparent espeon character. They named the rabbit "Roberta" since CoMo misread "Rabbit" as "Robert", and named the espeon "Lesvester" after CoMo misheard something. Lesvester was also established to have passed away as on January 31, 2025. Anyways, the first sentence implies that Leon has rabbit genes.
Also on January 31, CoMo and CoJu decided to develop some of Liam's siblings in the sketchbook. This included Leon. As I am typing this I do not have access to the sketchbook and I don't remember what we did with Leon.
Over an entire whole week later on February 8, CoMo designed Leon with guidance from CoJu. In reality, CoJu designed Leon. CoMo was just the first to draw him in his current form. The next day, CoMo made Leon's reference sheet using fullbody illustrations by him and CoJu. They then proceeded to make up a whole bunch of stuff for him. After CoMo did a terrible job of coloring Leon, CoJu decided to slightly change his color pellet.
Firstly, CoMo and CoJu decided that Leon had a playful personality. This was inferred from Leon's 2019 drawings. Other aspects of Leon that were inferred from said drawings were his strong relationship with Liam, his playdates with him and Martha and Elena, and his small size in his childhood.
We can now finally talk about the new things that CoMo and CoJu came up with for Leon. Let's start with CoJu's suggestion of making Leon's hair longer. After Leon was drawn with with shoulder-length hair, CoJu said that he looked girly. As a result, CoMo and CoJu decided to make that part of Leon's personality. CoJu suggested referring to Leon as a femboy.
Leon was established to like the heavy metal band Fall Out Boy. This was to give him a shared interest with Liam and it also fit him. Why was he established to like anything in the first place? Well, let's just say, CoJu decided that Leon wears a band T-shirt in its sketchbook drawing of him from January 31.
Let's start with Leon, who was the first of Liam's siblings to be drawn a dedicated reference sheet and majorly developed. Originally designed in June 2019, he was given a band T-shirt, shorts, and sneakers. He was also anthro-ified, like the rest of Liam's family members. CoJu also established that he is 5'4. I'm writing all of this here. I will talk more about Leon on his own dedicated page linked earlier. Now let's move on to the character that was redesigned.
After CoMo pointed out that Leon had never been drawn digitally, so his ring colors were up in the air. Of course, so was his main fur color, or any other aspect of his coloration, but he just assumed that he was similar to a normal umbreon. CoJu suggested that the rings are green. Green it is then, yo. As a result, his black and green color palette reminded him of the band Type O Negative. As a result, CoMo made his eyes orange, since that was the color on the text of their "October Rust" album.
CoJu did not misinterperet any of CoMo's grunting to be sexual. CoMo wasn't even grunting at all. In fact, CoMo was remarkably safe for work for the entirety of the character redesigning process. Now, you may be wondering: How safe for work is Leon? He is very safe for work. He just turned 18 and is therefore still blissfully innocent and have not yet learned about the horrors of pre-Marshall s
Last updated 02/13/2025