Liam is a rabbit dog, and he is not a cookie nor does he taste like one. He is brown and beige, with his beige parts on his paws, tail, and belly. He has pink paw pads. He almost always wears a collar. He also wears clothes and other accessories sometimes. This mainly includes a red tank top and or a red backpack. It just has to be red. His voice resembles Jax from The Amazing Digital Circus.
Another important detail is that regularly switches from his "feral mode" and his "anthro mode". Huh? Well, let's just say, even though Liam was Martha's classmate in school, he likes to treat Martha as his owner since he believes it's easy to live a pet life. It's not some sort of kink. Please trust me on this one. Liam also likes being pet by Martha when no one is looking. It's not a kink please I swear.
Huh? Who is Martha? Why Martha out of all people? Well, let's just say, she helped him out with something in high school. He now lives with Martha in an apartment in the neighborhood of Phoenix in Friendship City. The apartment building is two or three stories tall. There are always boxes laying around inside.
Even though he is an aspiring pet, he works as a cashier at Rocky's music store in Arlington, Arthur City. This requires Liam to have a pretty long commute. It takes over an hour and he has to transfer between a train and a bus more than once. I don't know why he chose this job.
He likes Dunkin Donuts. He almost always has an iced coffee in his hands. It doesn't even have to be from Dunkin Donuts. It is undoubtedly his favorite beverage of all time. In fact, Liam's fur is also colored like iced coffee. This is a complete coincidence, by the way. He also likes eating cereal from a dog bowl. What kind of cereal? I don't know.
He likes 2010s pop and rap music. He and Elena, Martha's little sister, likes to do rap battles, usually with Martha, who reluctantly obliges. Additionally, he and Martha likes to roleplay as Japanese school girls. Martha doesn't like to admit it. Liam also likes to watch Smiling Friends, his favorite show.
Liam is stuck in a box. CoMo made an alternate version of this drawing using the color palette from Liam's April 2020 reference sheet.
By CoMo
Liam is smugly laughing. Those two round things on his crotch is fur, not a flaccid penis.
By CoMo
Liam running with an iced coffee in his hand. This was a doodle by CoJu that CoMo colored.
By CoJu & CoMo
Liam is nervously looking to the right while standing. This was a doodle that was made on 01/24/25, colored on 01/26/25, and cleaned up on 01/31/25.
By CoMo
Liam sitting on the ground looking to the left. This is the first proper digital drawing of Liam that CoMo finished.
By CoMo
Martha Magma Lia(m). This was not drawn on CoMo and CoJu's usual illustration program, but instead was made using an online multiplayer service.
By CoJu & CoMo
"He is holding a bone in his mouth cos why not."
By ILoveMyCat123
Liam running with an iced coffee in his hand.
By CoJu
Liam wearing his red backpack.
By CoJu
Liam being feral. Note: his tail is incorrect.
By CoJu
Martha is Liam's best friend and roommate. They both live together and share a desktop computer. Liam does not like Martha's bug collection. He hates it very much. They live close to Tem.
Don't mess with Rocky. Actually, Rocky is chill. You can mess around a little. But not any more than that. Liam works at her music store.
Liam was born at the infamous Sklapose Hospital on May 30, 2005. Even though his mother Diamond is a glaceon and father is a vari, Liam was a rabbit and dog hybrid. It turns out that Diamond had another lover inbetween LK and Vari! I don't know. Nevermind, I do know. His name is RD. No one knows what those initials stand for.
What? Who is LK? LK stands for Liam Kenny. You can now look at the family tree above. If you can't, then I will conveniently explain it for you after this sentence. Diamond has been with at least three partners: Liam Kenny, RD, and Vari - a deer, a rabbit dog, and a vari. The only child she had with RD was Liam. It is currently not known when she is going to dump vari for another lover and have more children.
Liam grew up with his half-siblings Joshua, Michelle, and Noelle, his siblings-in-law Rebecca and Timothy, and cousins Elle and Anthony with his mother Diamond and father Vari. All under the same roof. As a result, they lived in a relatively big house. It had at least two stories. It might've had three. It likely had a driveway to store their singlular car, which was a SUV built in the 2000s. They lived in the neighborhood of Transonia.
Diamond and Vari both had a job that required them to leave the house before the kids did, so they gave their oldest kid the task of making sure all them kids are out the door first. Their oldest kid was Elle. Elle quickly got tired of this job and stopped playing Mr. Nice Guy. It is unknown if she ever played Mr. Nice Guy. Liam regularly called her a "salt ball".
Wait. Elle isn't Diamond's child. Neither is Anthony, who also lived there. They were Diamond's sibling's children. Why aren't at Diamond's sibling's place? Diamond's sibling's name is Emerald, by the way. I don't know why this is the case. We don't even know what Emerald or her husband(s) look like.
In his childhood, he often wore a baseball cap of unknown color. The color of this cap is speculated to be red. He wore it backwards, but apparently not because he thought it was cool. It is unknown why he wore it in that orientation. This hat is very sendimetal to him. He saved Michelle with it - both Liam and Michelle avoid talking about what happened.
Liam enrolled in North Doubax Highschool in September 2018. He was frequently bullied for wearing his hat. Liam was generally a target for bullies at school. He used to have neck fluff, but it was burned by his bullies. The bullies in question were Turner, Dorian, and Tem. Even though Tem was reluctant to participate, it was her lit cigarette that permanently scarred Liam.
After witnessing Liam getting bullied, Martha came to defend Liam. Martha often hung out with the bullies herself, but after that, Martha and Liam slowly became friends. Liam probably did not immediately become her pet because Liam was usually in his feral mode at the time. Martha eventually stopped being a bully.
Now, you may be thinking, what happened to Liam's hat? Does he still wear it? No, he does not still wear it. He may or may not have thrown it into the Eechooer River. He also may or may not still wear it sometimes while wearing his tank top and jeans. For the latter, it might just be a different cap.
Michelle, Liam's sister, was a cool lit drug dealer yo. YO! She was getting up to some shady stuff! YO! She was YO! dealing the YO! drugs and she was a little girl and the big thug drug gangs from the YO! hood didn't like that, yo. YO! So Liam saw them robbing her of her YO! drugs and yo, then he said LIAM TO THE RESCUE! YO! And he whacked the gang members YO! with his hat. He went YO! totally bonkers on them! And then they all ran away and that's how Liam saved YO! his sister with the hat. Yo.
Is this real? There is no way. Unfortunately, this is real. CoJu plans to add this incident to It's Been Awhile. Therefore, it has to be real. This really happened. This is because Ronald Reagan planted drugs in minority communities in the 1980s. Transonia may or may not have been one of these communities, but the demographics of this neighborhood during the Reagan presidency is unknown.
Liam graduated from North Doubax Highschool in May 2022. If Martha graduated in May 2020, then it is unknown how Martha and Liam maintained regular physical contact during the time difference. I may or may not be a year off on both of those graduation dates.
Liam decided to join the workforce at the age of 18, shortly after graduating high school. The only other thing he could've done is go to college. But he didn't do that. Now, what job was he going to pick? What was the process like? We will never know. Liam somehow ended up working at Rocky's music store.
Liam mostly likes 2000s-2010s pop and rap music. Here is the playlist of songs that Liam likes.
In late May (likely May 30), CoMo told CoJu to draw an eevee on the whiteboard. CoJu drew an eevee from memory. It forgot the neck fluff. CoJu and CoMo decided to turn it into a character. CoMo was listening to a lot of Oasis at the time, so he named him Liam, after Liam Gallagher.
He was created at the same time as Martha, so Liam naturally became associated with Martha. Since Liam was feral and Martha is anthro, it made sense to make Liam her pet. Additinally, Liam had a rabbit-like nose since it was how CoJu drew animal noses at the time. Liam originally didn't wear a collar.
In June, CISS19 (Character Information Sheet Summer 2019) was created. One of the characters on this sheet was Liam.
Since you probably don't want to decipher what Liam's entry reads on CISS19, which is image [19.1], let me do it for you.
Let us meticulously explore these attributes given to Liam in CISS19. First, we find out that his name is "Liam". His first name is indeed Liam. He did not have a last name at this time - it wouldn't be created until October 2023.
Next, we find out that his "Age" is "10". If Liam was 10 in 2019, that would mean that he was born in 2008-2009. This would be changed sometime in 2022 to be closer to Martha's age.
Thirdly, we are informed of Liam's six friends. The first in this list of friends is Martha, who you already know if you were reading. Next are Hannah and Al, whose legal names are Hannah Garcia and Alvin Chikalero, respectfully. I mean respectively. Since 2019, these representations of CoJu and CoMo, respectively, are not canon and do not exist.
It is also stated that Pinewood and Lit are friends with Liam. Liam and Pinewood are regularly seen interacting with each other in drawings from this era. Tongue, a greninja, is also Liam's friend.
His personality is described as "calm-ish". This means that he is usually calm. Let's quickly go through the rest of these with minimal insight to them. Wait. Nevermind, let's talk about this one.
"Backstory: Bullied a lot". This is related to CoJu's picture book "Backstories" which was originally made in summer 2019. We will talk about this book later.
The next several attributes explore more of Liam's relationships. Liam used to be friends with Vuckpix, but he is now "enimies" with Vuckpix. It is unknown who Vuckpix was as a character, as no drawings or other mentions of this character have been confirmed to exist. It is also stated that Liam's BFF (Best Friend Forever) and "Owner" is Martha.
The next attribute states Liam's favorite song, which is "Armor". The artist for this song is conveniently not mentioned. The song is "Armor" by "Landon Austin".
Next, Liam's favorite food is stated to be "Cereal". It is unknown which type of cereal or if Liam has any preference for cereals at all.
The "Life changing event", which is "Martha defending him", is related to Backstories. Finally, Liam's trait is that he is sensitive. His sensitive-ness is displayed in Backstories.
Everything I have written here is completely unnecessary, as we will revisit these again in the section for 2022. Just kidding. We won't.
In these messages from June 24, it is implied that CoJu hasn't created Liam's mother yet. His mother would end up being a glaceon named Diamond. CoJu likely made most of his other family members during the same time.
By the end of the summer of 2019, CoJu gave Liam an emotional backstory, a large family, and made him fatherless. A lot of Liam's character was also intertwined with Martha. As a result, CoJu treated Liam seriously as a character. It is as if Liam was his own person. CoJu liked to put Martha and Liam in not very silly situations.
CoMo, on the other hand, in typical CoMo fashion, had been putting Liam in very silly situations. Additionally, while CoMo was drawing Liam with stupid and mindless facial expressions like he was some sort of dog or baby, CoJu was focusing on Liam's more serious backstory side, often drawing him with sad expressions. A similar thing happened to Martha.
In the middle of October 2019, CoMo and CoJu went on a vacation to Philadelphia to compensate for an Amtrak trip to Ohio that never happened. While in the hotel room, CoJu decided to draw it and CoMo in the room with Martha and Liam. This indicates that CoMo and CoJu still made their pure self inserts interact with their characters. There's nothing wrong with that, by the way. CoMo and CoJu just don't really do this anymore.
By January 2020, Martha and Liam were the only two characters made in 2019 that survived in CoMo and CoJu's conciousness.
By the time spring came around, Liam's nose was changed from a rabbit-style nose to a not rabbit-style nose. This is because CoJu had been experimenting more with xer style as a result of making digital illustrations more frequently.
Four months later, on April 16, CoJu drew Liam's first reference sheet.
Contrary to CISS19, it states that Liam's age is 4. The reason is that he is a "dog eevee thing". As a result, he is between 24 and 60 human years old. I don't know.
Also according to the reference, Liam has no defined hobbies. But his personality is described as "usually always optimistic and welcoming, but distrustful of everyone inside."
It is also implied that his "he/him" pronouns are only preferred and he is fine with any pronouns.
I don't know whether or not any part of this is still canon as of 2025.
CoMo and CoJu started to draw on a sketchbook during their travels. Doodles of Martha and Liam have been plentiful ever since.
On April 2, CoJu was doing some worldbuilding which is not canon anymore, and asked CoMo a crucial question.
From this map, which is not canon at all, we can determine that Martha and Liam lived in a gray area between Lone and Autumn in Hana County, Evergreen. Of course, this is not canon at all. As we can see, Martha and Liam are the only sribbles characters here in a vast sea of CoJu characters. This is not canon, by the way. If Martha and Liam did live here at one point, then they would've moved out. But they never moved out of there. This is because they were never there. This is because this is not canon.
On April 17, CoMo drew Martha, Liam, and a male meowstic. His drawing of Liam featured his rabbit nose.
On May 30, CoMo and CoJu acknowledged Martha and Liam's birthday.
From these messages, we can determine that CoMo secretly wanted Martha to be Liam's real mom. No. CoMo did not secretly want that. As we all know, CoMo wouldn't actualy subject a mere child to draw a minor giving birth. In addition, CoMo did not want Liam to be Martha's son at all. They were always just friends, even if they did have a weird dynamic at times. CoMo was simply making a joke. This is typical for CoMo, as he rarely takes things seriously. For example, in 2020, CoMo drew Martha crawling out of Liam's ass where she said "that was a good kidney". This implies that Martha ate Liam's kidney. The real question is, how did Martha get in there in the first place? Did Liam vore her? No.
On March 17, CoJu redrew some sketchbook doodles digitally, at the request of CoMo. On the top right is an interperetation of a doodle that was drawn on November 21, 2021. Notably, the interperetation features Martha having four eyes. The doodle in the sketchbook did not have four eyes. It is unknown why CoJu gave her four eyes.
The furrets on the top left and the meowstics on the bottom right are an interperetation of doodles made on September 24, 2021. And finally, the last five creatures in the bottom left are interperetations of doodles made on December 12, 2021. Notably, one of the Liams has a rabbit nose.
On April 16, CoJu drew in the sketchbook Martha and Liam working at McDonalds. It is stated that "blunny riceball" was the CEO of McDonalds at the time of their employment. Martha was the Employee Of The Month and Liam was the Honorary Employee Of The Month. On the previous page, it is stated that Liam is 1500 pounds. He was also drawn wearing headphones weird,
Sometime in June, CoMo and CoJu rediscovered CISS19 and Backstories made in 2019, both of which were described earlier. In the first page of Backstories, Liam said that his hat "saved" his sister. I will now transcribe the page for further analysis:
"A-another day, another t-time to get b-bullied.." Liam said quietly to himself. "T-this hat..." He thought. "It means so much to me, yet I get bullied constantly for wearing it." He grabbed it. "I'm not trying to be cool, I mean, for god's sake, I saved my sister with this thing." Then he heard someone shout. "C'MON LIAM, WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" "WAIT, YOU IMPATIENT SALTBALL!" Liam shouted in response.
You see that? He saved his sister with that thing! Now the question is: what sister? Liam's family drawing in 2019 apparently had not been rediscovered yet, so CoMo and CoJu decided to come up with a new character to be his sister. It was a sylveon named Noelle. She had no ribbons, so it can be an analog to Liam's lack of neck fluff. It is unknown why the name "Noelle" was chosen.
Eventually, CoMo and CoJu rediscovered Liam's family drawing from 2019. As a result, they found out the sister that Liam was talking about in Backstories was an espeon named Michelle. Instead of killing Noelle, CoMo and CoJu decided to keep her as an extra family member. CoJu then redrew Liam's family, probably around July.
In around 2016, CoMo came up with many strange characters to play around with. For example, Jeremiah and Jimmy came from this era of characters. Another character duo was also present: Unnamed man and Grilled Rat. CoMo forgot the man's name as of January 2025. After rediscovering this duo in 2022, CoMo decided to make them interact with Martha and Liam, since their dynamics are similar to Unnamed man and Grilled Rat.
It is unknown if these interactions are canon. Martha and Liam are seen at the "Doubax Central" metro station, which is probably canon.
In late August, something happened to Liam that would stunt his growth for nearly two years. CoMo, in typical CoMo fashion, turned him into a mindless pet again. Of course, Liam had probably been like this for most of the past summer at this point (see the drawings from July), but after CoMo drew Liam being sad about treats, this was entering a point of no return. Without having a super serious CoJu to counteract CoMo's force of stupidity, Liam fell into a state of pethood even more than previously. It now seemed like Liam had no capability of human-like thoughts and emotions.
At some point between July 2022 and January 2024, Liam's orientation was established to be "Gay". This means that he was homosexual. In addition, he was also established to be 12 years old at some point between the July 2022 and January 2024. These are seen in a commented out part of the original sribbles page's source code. It reads "He attends the High School of North Doubax. I do not know how since he is 12. Perhaps he actually attends the Middle School of somewhere else."
In addition still, Liam's birthday is stated to be on May 10, 2005. This was most likely because CoMo wanted his birthday to be farther away from Martha's, since two best friends having the same birthday seems like an unlikely thing to happen.
Starting in June, CoJu and CoMo decided to play Tomodachi Life. They eventually made a Mii representing Liam. He would later marry Reba and have a kid (Lacey) with her in game. This is probably not canon.
Liam was given a prominent role in the A-Series comic books. This was part of an effort to put Martha and Liam as main characters in a comic book series. Sorry you can't read them.
On October 21, 2023, CoMo and CoJu decided that Liam's last name is Kennivari, a combination of the names Kenny and Vari. Why those names? Earlier, CoMo and CoJu established that Liam's biological father is a Vari, a creature from Loomian Legacy, a Roblox game. Vari isn't Diamond's first husband. Diamond is Liam's mother by the way. Her first hudband was actually a deer named Liam Kenny. Where did the name "Liam Kenny" come from? I don't know. CoMo probably just misheard something.
On May 29, while drawing Martha and Liam's birthday special, CoMo and CoJu decided to do something radical. They made Liam not an Eevee. Wait. Why? Liam already had so many arts! Well, let's just say, I forgot exactly why CoMo and CoJu did this. After the creation of Cypress and Rocky, CoMo had flirted, not romantically, with the idea of turning some Pokemon characters into original characters.
He was turned into a dog and rabbit hybrid. His rabbit style nose returned and he was given a new tail. It then became unknown how the neck fluff backstory happened. It also then became unknown how Liam is related to his family. The former issue was solved by saying that he still formerly had neck fluff. The latter issue, however, was trickier to solve.
On June 9, the 5th anniversary of the 2019 NYTM bus festival, and the day before Liam's then-established birthday, CoMo and CoJu decided to change Liam's design again. They first gave him markings on his paws and one on his belly. Secondly, it was decided, probably by CoJu, to change his tail to a rabbit-like tail. And thirdly... Ooh... This is a major one... They made him anthro.
I... I can't believe it. It finally happened. Liam isn't just a mere pet. For the first time since 2022, it seemed like Liam was... a person again. CoMo and CoJu decided to make him 4'3. They then completely forgot about this and then made his height 5'0 in the next year.
On June 10, Liam's birthday was changed back to May 30. He was also given markings on his paws, and color was returned at the tip of his tail. This design would slightly change on June 15, where CoMo and CoJu decided to make Liam's first reference sheet with his new design. CoMo did the sketches, background, and information layout, and CoJu did everything else. During the making of the reference sheet, the beige color was added on all of Liam's tail. CoMo has since regretted how he made the background and information laid out.
In that reference sheet, CoMo and CoJu decided that Liam was "adopted by family". According to CoJu's analysis on January 26, 2025, this does not mean that he is adopted. They meant to imply that Liam wasn't given birthed by his sibling-in-laws' and step-sibling-in-laws' mother.
They also decided that one of Liam's favorite albums was Tubthumper by Chumbawamba, because CoMo had been listening to it while playing Minecraft. Out of Time by REM was also added as one of Liam's favorite albums because CoJu had been listening to it. Pinkerton by Weezer was added because, at the time, CoMo established a rule that every character must have Pinkerton listed as one of their favorite albums even if the character doesn't like it or care about it. The other two albums were added because Liam likes pop music.
It was also put on his reference sheet that he works as a cashier at a music store. This music store was Rocky's. Between May 29 and June 15, CoMo and CoJu wanted to give Liam a job to make him more interesting. Liam also had graduated from high school the previous year, so he had to do something anyway. CoMo and CoJu decided that Liam works at Rocky's music store (Rocky's Records and Guitars). This would require Liam to have a long commute using public transportation.
In the same time frame, CoMo and CoJu were in the process of giving Martha a job. They concluded that Martha works at Astorabat Park in DePonte County, which is around halfway between Martha and Liam's home and Rocky's Records and Guitars. CoMo decided that Martha and Liam shares a bus route in their commute. This was probably a reason why CoMo and CoJu gave Liam this terrible commute.
On June 15, CoMo drew Liam looking at the viewer and saying "Let's watch Smiling Friends". This was because CoMo wanted to give characters favorite shows. CoMo and CoJu decided that Liam would like Smiling Friends. By the way, season 2 of Smiling Friends had been premiering around this time. CoMo also drew Liam in a hoodie. There were drawings of anthro Liam wearing a hoodie doodled somewhere before June, but CoMo has not been able to find them at this time.
On June 18, CoJu decided to draw Elle, Liam's cousin, who is a leafeon, on leafeon day. Based off of Elle's appearance in the 2022 family drawing, CoJu gave her a superiority complex and a smug expression. As a result, CoMo and CoJu made her work at the Pulster Art Museum. They established her birthday to be June 18, 2001.
The next day, CoJu drew Elle again in a doodle page. On the bottom right, they are seen standing next to each other while smiling. This implies that they have a good relationship with each other, despite the fact that Liam regularly called her a "saltball".
On June 27, CoMo made an attempt at making a digital drawing of Liam. To do this, he decided to look through the numerous sketch doodles that he made throughout the past week and pick one to clean up. CoMo, who was still getting used to the drawing tablet, felt like he was being tortured while trying to clean it up. Fun fact, CoMo still has never gotten used to drawing tablets.
CoMo had lost all hope for this drawing. He decided to stop taking it seriously. He gave it insane neon colors and called it a day. He made it even worse by completely messing up his eye highlights. He made them an addition symbol and an equal symbol for some reason. The file name of this failed drawing is "liams-alter-ego.png"
June was conveniently the month before Artfight, so CoJu made Liam a profile on Artfight. The following is his description, which is mostly unchanged since his profile was added.
NAME | Liam |
DOB | May 30 2005 |
ORIENTATION | ??????? maybe gay????? |
SPECIES | Bunny-dog hybrid |
THEME SONG | Armor - Landon Austin (Liam ALSO listens to a lot of 2010s pop!) |
DEMEANOR | Fun-loving and risk-taking in his earlier years, but now he's a slightly jaded cashier at a guitar store (he knows nothing about guitars) and really wants to move away from his roommate. He does not like Martha's bug collection at all. |
NOTES | Works at Rocky's. Likes Dunkin Donuts. Always gets a bagel before work no matter how long the line is. Deeply afraid of Tem. |
On July 21, CoMo drew the middle image. By this time, it was established that Liam was scared of Tem. This is because, after developing Liam's backstory more, decided that Tem was the reason that Liam lost his neck fluff.
The right image has no relevance to Liam.
On July 28, shortly after coming home from a trip to Boston, which accelerated character development for Tem, CoJu drew a never before seen room in Martha and Liam's apartment. This seems to be a small room with a single bed, desktop computer, and closet. Actually, it is unknown if this is the same apartment seen in the drawings from 2019 or the drawing from October 2022.
On the same day, CoJu drew Martha and Liam in funny outfits. I just wanted to put this here. It also seems like that it had been established that Martha and Liam had lived in the neighborhood of Phoenix by this time.
By August 1, it had been established that Liam work's at Rocky's Records and Guitars.
On October 22, while adding an occupation field under his character information table, CoMo edited Liam's page for the first time since July 7, 2024, 10 AM. The next sentence was added by CoJu, not CoMo. On November 21, CoJu fixed the occupation field that CoMo added last month. This is the most exciting thing to happen to this page since 9/11!
I don't remember putting that last sentence in here. That was very disrespectful of me. I deeply apologize. Nevermind. CoJu wrote that, not me. I don't know why I thought I wrote that. Anyways, CoJu decided to make a new 40 page comic titled Rocky's Records. This is because xe didn't want to do It's Been Awhile.
On the first page, which was made between January 17 and January 18, CoJu ended up giving Liam a funny personality. CoMo wanted to make this personality Liam's main one. CoJu suggested that he just acts differently at work and he hates his job. This initiated a new interest in Liam which hasn't been seen since June. In other words, Liam has become the silly guy of the month.
CoJu also made a slight revision to Liam's design - the markings on his limbs no longer follow a linear form. They now appear to be more messy, like if he dipped them into iced coffee.
As we all know, Liam likes popular and accessible music. Note that the use of the term "accessible" is not as a derogatory term here. That would've been ableist. I'm sorry, that wasn't funny. Anyways, the The Cult Of Dionysus by The Orion Experience was first new song that was established to be one of Liam's favorites in 2025. This is because CoJu had found this song from an art post on twitter in early 2020, and CoMo was in the process of looking for old Liam drawings from that era. Since the song is poppy, CoMo thought that Liam would definitely like this song. Liam also thinks that grooming is bad.
On January 23, while consuming raw and cooked fish, CoMo showed CoJu this song called Blood And Butter and they concluded that Liam would listen to this song. Another notable song that Liam likes is Umbrella by Rihanna, which had been established to be one of Liam's favorite songs for at least a few days at this point. This song was featured in a transit music video that CoMo watched when he was a mere toddler.
Oh, you know what, I'm just going to talk about every song that was added to Liam's song playlist in January. Let's first talk about the song that has been on his playlist since June 2019: Armor by Landon Austin. This was Liam's favorite song according to CISS19. That's all I have to say about it. Other favorite songs of Liam are What Goes Around, Just Dance, Poker Face, and I Gotta Feeling. These songs will be talked about later.
Two years earlier, in June 2017, CoMo would discover the song Way Back When by Grizfolk either from the Roblox audio library or from watching the movie it was featured in on TV. It may have been both. Also in 2017 and 2018 CoMo listened to Imagine Dragons. In 2017, he mainly listened to Believer, Radioactive, and another song (Warriors) that he forgot the name of. CoMo hated Thunder and still does. In 2018, he discovered Demons through a long lost friend who was playing it on a golden boombox in Roblox. In 2016, CoMo heard On Top Of The World from a movie shown in the science center's planetarium. Another song from that movie that played was One Day by Matisyahu.
The next Liam song that CoMo found was Pumped Up Kicks by Foster The People. CoMo first listened to this song in late 2019 or early 2020. CoMo listened to this song again in the morning of the 4th anniversary of CoMo studying economics on January 6, and then CoJu DMed him "why u lsitening to pumped up kicks" on 11:18 AM. A few weeks later, CoMo felt like Liam would listen to this song.
Next, in late December 2022, CoMo listened to Safe And Sound by Capital Cities. This song will forever remind him of Friday City, specifically the ugly looking pedestrian bridge between West Farms and Plubo. This is because CoMo was building it while listening to this song, shortly before he had to go outside in the late morning. Liam would like this song.
A year later in December 2023, probably while being physically and mentally immobile, CoMo watched Mic The Snare's 2023 music recap video and discovered Blood And Butter by Caroline Polachek. CoMo would forget about this song until January 23, where, while consuming raw and cooked fish, CoMo showed CoJu this song.
Finally, another year later in December 2024, while in a much better physical state but not necessarily mental state, CoMo watched Mic The Snare's 2024 music recap video and discovered Magdalena Bay's "Death & Romance" and Charli xcx's "Mean girls", among others. CoMo decided to make Liam like them, since they were poppy.
On January 24, CoMo decided that Liam and his family grew up in the Friendship City neighborhood of Transonia. This is because CoMo was looking through his old DMs with CoJu to look for historical information on Liam, only to stumble upon the word "Trainsona". CoMo misread this as "Transonia."
On January 26, CoJu imagined that Liam would wear baggy pants with chains and shoes in addition to his red tank top. CoMo and CoJu found this funny, and decided that that he got bullied for trying to look cool like that. This is despite the fact that in Backstories, Liam explicitly states that he was only bullied because of his hat and that he was not trying to look cool. CoMo found out about this discrepancy the next day.
On January 28, while on the warmly-lit train with worn out blue seats and pink walls in the dark and cold evening, CoMo was looking through the audio files that he acquired since late November on his laptop. He recalled that he downloaded a piano cover of Just Dance by Lady Gaga that he listened to in spring 2022. Since Liam likes pop music, CoMo made Liam like this song. CoMo has also heard of the song Poker Face, which Weezer covered.
In addition to that piano cover of Just Dance, CoMo also found that he downloaded I Gotta Feeling by Black Eyed Peas, a song that he listened to in March 2022. CoMo also felt like Liam would listen to it. CoMo also recalled a song by Justin Timberlake called What Goes Around Comes Around that CoMo found from a transit music video (that he has since been unable to find) in around April 2019. During this time, CoMo was very deep into his nostalgia dive of the year 2014, which was 5 years ago at the time.
CoMo also changed the theme of this page. He made the colors a gradient the next day. He tinkered with many aspect of the theme of this page until January 30.
On January 31, CoMo told CoJu that he gave Liam a new father to give an explanation to Liam's family situation. CoJu was absolutely flabbergasted. While on a train that was supposed to be Arrow IIIs, but it wasn't and hasn't been for a week, and has been multilevels instead, CoJu drew this new father, named "RD". Originally, that name was just a placeholder which stool for "Rabbit Dog", but it is now his initials.
CoMo also decided to make all of Liam's half-siblings, siblings-in-law, and cousins have some rabbit genes. As a result, he made Diamond's mother a rabbit. He then made her father an espeon, since they had another grandparent espeon character. They named the rabbit "Roberta" since CoMo misread "Rabbit" as "Robert", and named the espeon "Lesvester" after CoMo misheard something. Lesvester was also established to have passed away as on January 31, 2025.
CoMo and CoJu also established that Liam only likes being pet when no one else is looking. Additionally, CoMo remembered that Liam likes Smiling Friends. As a result, CoMo made Smiling Friends his favorite show. This was established in June 2024, shortly after Liam was redesigned. I don't remember if I put that fact in the 2024 section. Please send me an email if I didn't, because I don't feel like editing that right now.
On February 1, while going through every pop song that CoMo had voluntarily listened to, he recalled some more pop or poppy songs that he listened to. The first song that he recalled was Wake Me Up by Avicii, which he listened to in the local grocery store's SUV. CoMo listened to the instrumental of this song in 2019.
CoMo then recalled more songs by the artist, which were Hey Brother and Levels. CoMo listened to Levels in 2018. He first heard it in a tribute video of the "9 train" route in New York City that was discontinued in 2005, five days before Liam's birth.
He doesn't remember which year he listened to Hey Brother. He wants to say 2016-17, since he listened to a Gravity Falls AMV with it, and it also feels like something he would find on the Rolblox audio library. CoMo then added These Three Things to Liam's playlist. I mean, these three songs. Not that anti-abortion song.
It turns out CoMo added Levels to Liam's playlist without actually listening to it. CoMo hasn't listened to it in over half a decade and completely forgot what it sounded like. It turns out that it has a completely different vibe than he expected.
CoMo also made the Yoube playlist for Liam's favorite songs. CoJu suggested that he liked These Three Things, I mean, these three Britney Spears songs and added them to the 'list. CoMo then made liam like Paradise by Coldplay and Counting Stars by OneRepublic.
On the fateful night of February Onest 2025, CoMo and CoJu were talking about Liam, as always. CoMo wanted CoJu to send him Four-Eyed Martha. In the process, um, CoMo suggested to make Freddy Night Funkin fanart. This led, somehow, to CoJu seeing the mention of a Gravity Falls AMV somewhere higher up on this page. This reminded CoJu that it watched a Gravity Falls PMV in the summer of 2024, which was also set to an Avicii song. Did we mention that the other Gravity Falls AMV was set to an Avicii song? Anyways, we thought that was a hilarious coincidence, so Trouble by Avicii was added to Liam's playlist. Wait. Did we mention that the Gravity Falls PMV CoJu was reminded of that it watched in the summer of 2024 was set to Trouble by Avicii? Well, now you know.
On February 2, CoMo and CoJu decided to start working on the first installment of the D-Series comics for the first time since November 4, 2023. CoMo and CoJu decided to make a subplot dedicated to Liam and his family, where CoMo and CoJu established a few things. Firstly, CoMo and CoJu made Liam a college dropout. This came to be due to a question that was asked: What is Liam doing at his family's place? Doesn't he live with Martha?
It could've been that his family was there for the holidays, but CoMo instead suggested that Liam was there "for the summer". If we were to trust what the moon says a few pages ago, the comic page CoMo and CoJu was working on would've taken place on April 23, 2024. That is neither the holiday season nor the summer season.
After suggesting that Liam was there "for the summer", CoJu asked "summer from what?". Liam graduated highschool in 2023 or before. CoMo half-jokingly said that Liam is a college dropout. He then suggested that when Liam came home, his mom called him her "little college dropout". CoMo and CoJu thought this was hilarious, so they made it canon.
Before Liam's presence at the family home was questioned, CoJu decided to make the first appearance of one of Liam's siblings to be Joshua, also known as Jo. Before CoJu did that, CoMo was complaining about liberals (from a leftist perspective) as always, and wanted to make a character who was a Marxist or something like that. This is to contrast Nisha, whose entire ideology is virtue signalling. CoMo never actually read any theory, by the way - he is illiterate. CoMo is just a skeptic of the status quo.
CoJu suggested that te character whose ideology falls under the umbrella term of "leftism" is Anthony, since he is a flareon. CoJu, back in the early days of 2020, intended for Burnie, another flareon, to be a left-leaning activist. In fact, it is in his name. CoMo suggested him to be named Bernie, after Bernie Sanders. CoJu changed it to "Burnie" because... get it? HA! For some reason, CoMo also made his last name named after Hillary Clinton, who took Bernie's 2016 presidential nomination. I would complain more about the "Democratic" party, but I won't. Let's get back to Jo.
Wait. Jo? Why Jo? Well, let's just say, CoMo didn't want Anthony to be a "leftist", since he didn't feel like he would be one. For some reason, CoMo and CoJu settled with Jo. Other than reading theory, CoMo and CoJu also established that he regularly plays Animal Crossing on his Nintendo Switch. This is after CoJu drew Jo playing on a Switch in one of the comic panels it made.
CoMo then inevitibly brought up Raymond, the animal crossing character, when he drew his comic panels. Liam asked Jo if he could put Raymond in a maid dress, and Jo replied with "I don't know". CoJu interpereted this as Liam liking seeing Raymond in a maid dress. The average person would've probably reacted with "WOAH BRO! WHAT THE FUCK!" But Jo didn't. He just said "I don't know". Jo is just chill like that. He's a very nice guy.
Let's now get back to Liam. On February 3, CoMo recalled a song that he listened to in his childhood from completely out of the blue. This song was "Shut Up And Let Me Go" By The Ting Tings. CoMo first heard this song in a transit music video, and he also remember hearing this song in a PBS Kids bumper featuring Dinosaur Train characters.
Additionally, after noticing that all of Diamond's previous lovers were referred to by their initials, CoMo decided by thinking hard and carefully that Mr. Vari's first name starts with E since then his initials would be E.V. CoJu came up all by itself with the name Ernie (Ernest for short). Now his legal name is Ernest Vari.
Until further notice, Liam's history section is going to serve as all his other family members' history section. Anyways, on February 4, CoMo and CoJu established that Jo was born on 02/02/2003, three days before Mieoru's birthday. CoMo suggested that Mieoru, Jo, June, and possibly Liam went to Bunny University in Evergreen.
Jo majors in political science, while Mieoru majors in something related to microbiology. CoMo wanted them to become friends, but they probably didn't have much course overlap at all. CoJu suggested that Mieoru took a course but then got bored of it, and then she and Jo became friends. CoMo suggested that they both took required classes together and somehow became friends. CoMo suggested that Mieoru also plays on the Switch. It is still unknown if they are friends.
CoJu also decided to draw Jo on paper. After observing Jo's drawings on Liam's family drawings from 2019 and 2022, It gave Jo different style fins and spaced out spikes on his tail. It also drew the tail weird at the end. It also gave him that type of T-shirt. The type of T-shirt with a different color at the top and sleeves than the rest of the torso.
Also, at the very end of February 4, CoJu suggested to CoMo that Liam likes Fall Out Boy, then CoMo said YUAH! Then CoJu suggested that Liam calls it metal.
On January 6, CoMo reminded CoJu that umbreon day was the next day. CoJu then asked CoMo about Mieoru's birthday. CoJu thought it was yesterday, but CoMo said it was two days ago. It actually wasn't two days ago - it was indeed yesterday. Neither CoMo nor CoJu knew that CoMo was lying. After Mieoru was brought up, Jo was then inevitebly brought up: CoMo told CoJu that, next time they draw together, they should draw an umbreon and the two vaporeons.
No. Not January 6. That was on February 6. CoJu then asked if CoMo updated Liam's page, since he has been doing that almost every day for a week. CoMo firmly told CoJu that he had not touched Liam's page the entire day. CoMo also specifically told CoJu that he did not find any new "Liam songs". CoJu then brought up the Bocchi The Rock soundtrack.
What? Why would CoJu do such a thing? Well, let's just say, CoJu considered Liam to like the soundtrack for half a second, and then said no, since it doesn't fit Liam's taste. CoMo then suggested that they should have at least one character to like the soundtrack. In addition, he suggested to turn a character into a weeb. Immediately after he suggested that, he realized how remarkably silly it was to not have a character who is a weeb or at least likes anime, since those people are a large part of society.
CoJu decided that this "weeb" character is Jo. It then suggested that "he likes media". CoMo then decided to start thinking about Liam's other relatives. CoMo asked CoJu who the oldest and youngest "siblings" in the family are. They immediately established that Leon was the youngest, but they had to think real hard about the others.
CoMo and CoJu sorted them from youngest to oldest on the whiteboard. This sorting was purely based on vibes.
At the very end of the day, CoMo found a Fall Out Boy song and the Chevelle album "Wonder What's Next". The former was added to Liam's playlist.
On February 8, CoJu decided to start making a new family drawing of Liam. Instead of being sketched on paper, it will be a proper digital illustration. All of Liam's relatives got redesigned and anthro-ified, and all of his new relatives were drawn for the first time. As a result, more of Liam and his family was become developed. Was developed.
Let's start with Leon, who was the first of Liam's siblings to be drawn a dedicated reference sheet and majorly developed. Originally designed in June 2019, he was given a band T-shirt, shorts, and sneakers. He was also anthro-ified, like the rest of Liam's family members. CoMo pointed out that Leon had never been drawn digitally, so his ring colors were up in the air. Of course, so was his main fur color, or any other aspect of his coloration, but he just assumed that he was similar to a normal umbreon. CoJu suggested that the rings are green. CoJu also established that he is 5'4. I'm not writing all of this here. I will talk more about Leon on his own dedicated page linked earlier. Now let's move on to the next character that was redesigned.
Tony was the next family member to be redesigned. He was originally designed in June 2019 with his main characteristics being that he was big, fat, and wore sunglasses. CoJu kept his original aura in the redesign and gave him a fake leather jacket that he calls "vegan leather" and some sort of belt. He was also given pants, shoes, and longer hair. Since he has to be big, CoJu made him 5'11. Also, while CoMo was looking for old drawings of Leon, he sturmbled upon CISS19 again and realized that Anthony had an entry on it. According to CISS19, he was a nice boy. CoJu also made his favorite song Wolf In Sheep's Clothing by Set It Off because it had listened to it recently. I could talk way more, but Now let's move on to the next character that was redesigned.
Liam... Oh wait. He was already redesigned. Let's move on to the next character. Elle... Welle... There's not much to say about her that hasn't already been said here. CoJu established that Elle is 5'8. Now let's move on to the next character that was redesigned.
Noelle, originally designed in around July 2022, was given a major redesign. She was originally a regular sylveon but without ribbons. CoJu then gave her patterns on the ends of her four limbs. It also gave her a dress with pockets, and some piece of clothing that I don't know the name of. It also decided that her height was 5'8. It also made her transgender. Wait. Why? Well, let's just say, CoJu wanted to make one of Liam's family members transgender really badly. CoMo and CoJu narrowed the options down to Noelle. As a result, she owns a Blahjah.
The next character that was redesigned was Michelle. Unfortunately, CoJu came up with the fact that she was a drug dealer a long time ago, so that had to stay. So CoJu made her redesigned based off of that. It drew her in a Snowstorm-esque pose. In other words, it made her resemble a character that it would come up with in 2021. Xe also gave her a denim jacket, shorts, and boots. Now let's move on to the next character that was redesigned
Now let's move on to the next character that was redesigned.
On January 10, CoMo drew Leon saying "I'm sowwy" on the whiteboard. After CoMo suggested that this was because he wet the bed, CoJu suggested that it was because he stole Elle's chocolate. As a result, Elle now likes chocolate. A few minutes later, while CoMo was making a colored drawing of Leon on the whiteboard, CoMo hadn't colored in the rings on Leon's ears yet, and CoJu told CoMo that he "didn't color his ear rings". Even though that's not what CoJu meant, CoMo and CoJu decided that Leon does in fact wears earrings. This made him even more "girly", as they said. CoJu said that he only wears them sometimes because they "fall off when he skateboards".
Last updated 02/25/2025